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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Style File: Liya Kebede

Happy Thursday!
So for this week's Style File, I decided to feature model extraordinaire...
...Liya Kebede.
Hailing from Ethiopia, this stunning 28 year old has quietly commanded the attention of the fashion world since her first Gucci show for Tom Ford in 2000.
When she's not stomping the runway for bold faced names like Diane Von Furstenberg, Ralph Lauren, and Calvin Klein....
You can catch her dominating national ad campaigns for Tommy Hilfiger, Louis Vuitton, Estee Lauder, Tiffany & Co, and Lord & Taylor...

...and gracing the covers and spreads of the world's hottest magazines...

Off the job she still manages to pull off a chic style, favoring dresses in neutral black or white...
Frothy fabrics of plum, peach, or an eye catching metallic...
...with the occasional print thrown in, just for good measure....
She keeps it super simple when casual, opting for blazers of leather or wool over a fitted top with pants...
Stunningly chic!
To get a Liya dress look go for the following:
Top Row: Diane Von Furstenberg Black Silk Gold Burnout Dress, $219,; Laila Azhar Tulip Dress, $149,
Bottom Row: Marc by Marc Jacobs Striped Dress, $244,; Milly Tab Jumper, $135,
For her casual steeze, go with these:
Left to Right: Maria Bonita Extra Jacket, $259,; Striped Knit Top, $29,; Julia High Waisted Capris, $79,
Now, for the contest winner!
The third place T will be by Jaja, who has captured all of your hearts and minds with her provocative, eye-catching design. As a prize, Jaja will get the following looks from a new streetwear brand, Naketano (
...a line of cute, colorful cotton dresses, sweatshirts, and tops from Germany. I personally love the sweatshirts, and might cop one in a sec. Though prices are in Euros, I found out they do ship to the US.
Congrats Jaja!
As for you guys, t-shirts are moving at a surprisingly SLOW pace, so I'm giving some of you local girls an extra incentive: The next 5 orders placed will get $20 off a spa treatment anywhere in NYC care of! Yay!
Get your shop on at
A small sacrifice for urban fashion!
Fashion, News, and What Nots
*See more of Liya's work at She's the bomb.
*Did anyone else catch Puffy's "If I Were King" nonsense on MTV last night??
I sat through it for about...half an hour before I got tired of him screaming for "more leathers" and "more colors" while his real designers trudged around the world to actually design the clothes. By 10:32 I had flipped to Judge Judy, though my buddy texted me saying that he made some great statements about the lack of ethnic models in fashion. Anyone care to share?



LOVED LOVED LOVED the show. I loved the fact that Diddy presented a show that was so racially conscience. I loved the fact that there were no colors to overwhelm the collection - I feel that this could be a little bit of a distraction... It would digress from Diddy's objective - To Be Kings.

I had to stand up and clap at the moment when he was briefing the models on how to walk saying: "Never before have black men been seen this much in elegant, tailored clothes... we come in so many different colors, flavors, diversities, energies... Don't walk like the way you were taught to walk in Milan - walk like black men... THIS IS A STATEMENT OF POSITIVITY - WE'RE NOT MAD AT NOBODY, WE'RE JUST SHOWING OFF OUR BEAUTY!"

I feel the latter statement applies to all but especially towards the African American community. There is a confidence, a way about ourselves that just cannot be denied and it is crucial that we as a people embrace this!

And Tyson Beckford being chosen (of course) to be the finale model JUST WASN'T FAIR! I almost fell out. LOL ;)

I feel that you, Clarie, is one of many making strides is the community in such a positive way, from your perspective - you should be congratulated for this. Though many, including me, live vicariously through you, (haha) it gives a different viewpoint on things that at times we may give a blind eye to. (ex. not seeing too many African American models on the cover of magazines and runways.)

P.S. Sorry for the wickedly long post but I noticed that typing in this comment box I get a red line under the words "african" and "american" telling me to correct that through spell check... Hmmmm, SEE! We're standing tall even through text. How fitting!

Anonymous said...

I watched the entire episode. I really liked the part where he addressed the lack of color on the runway, specifically when it comes to African Americans. He explained that he did not understand why designers only choose to feature African Americans who fit one specific look. Typically throughout history African Americans are portrayed in a very animalistic way and those are the images that are displayed on runways. Being an African American is not one specific thing we come in an array of skin tones, features, etc. When Puffy talked about this issue, he gave it to America straight with no chaser and I love him for that. I enjoyed the show.


Anonymous said...

I totally loved the show...I watched and was thoroughly impressed with Mr Combs. Only one thing he said upset me...that was him stating urban fashion started with HIM & HIM alone!! I must say it actually took a forefront when Russell Simmions created Phat Farm...I beleive Mr. Simmons to be the prototype to everything hip-hop/URBAN at this current state.

Other than that Puffy is a man to be admired & watched very closely. I love his mindframe its phenomanal!!

Unknown said...

i liked the show and i liked his message. I took issue with his saying that "african-american" models are only represented in one way, and that there are a lack of "african-american" models on the runway. This isnt an "african american" issue, its a bias that affects everyone of African descent in the fashion industry. I dont want to be a stickler for details, but if we are talking about narrow minded ppl discriminating agaist us, lets broaden our own view and vocabulary.

Anonymous said...

I, like you, was tempted to jump ship at around 10:30, but I stuck with it and within ten minutes I was glad I did. The other posters basically filled you in, but overall I was totally proud watching the show and thought it was just the reality check that MTV's delusional, Hills-obssessed viewers needed. Try to catch it later in the week if you can, you'll be glad you did.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I under estimated Diddy and definantly take back anything negative I said about him. He gave me SO much inspiration last night after watching his show. It was really funny too; how he said (dont qoute me word for word) " you want to be surrounded around positivity, I want to be surrounded around black people" I fell out laughing. I loved that his show was around black people because of the lack of black models and to acknowledge that we are kings (and queens) was the all time cherry on top. The poem (I think it was a poem) during the catwalk was phenomenal as well. If this comes out on DVD I certainly will be purchasing it. You missed out claire! but I think they said there will be an encore on saturday

Anonymous said...

I really love Liya Kebede! I took notice of her when I realized that all these breathtaking ads and editorials were featuring her. She's gorgeous with an exquisite face and a likable quality -- I swear she's my girl crush!

Anonymous said...

I am an avid reader/visitor to you blog and i love it. Kudos. In response to you question on Puffy's comments/show about the lack of ethnic minority, Bethany one of his creator's of the fashion show, talked about how for decades these fashion designers have chosen not to use ethnic minorities, instead they keep asking for blondes etc as if it is okay. She suggests that when these designers kept doing that, it became the norm and so it's not surprising to note that it lead to a lack of ethnic minority presence on the runways.

Puffy also said that it was it's dream to portray an all black ensemble because it has never been done. He hated the fact that his fashion show directors kept trying to undermine his dream and he didn't think it was fair especially since he pays them all that money. The irony of this situation is that he hired white fashion show directors, white designers, etc, of course they will choose what they are familiar with and that is white fashion models. Overall, i do congratulate him for standing up to all the elite fashion designers/people. My mother always said that it takes one person to make a major difference in the world, and i think Puffy is trying in his own capacity to make a difference in the fashion world.

Anonymous said...

I only caught the end of the show so I was feeling proud and pride. I almost, OK I did, stand and applaud after his pep talk to the all Black cast of models. Since I had just come it was only then that I new that was where the "King" title for the show's meaning really came from. And it of course also alludes to Puffy's power. It's quite cool and uplifting that he has that power and he used it to cast a mix of complexions of Black models. I liked the show and hope to catch it in its entirety. I'll see if its online.

Anonymous said...

As a man who is probably more fashion conscience that most women (lol) Diddy's If I Were King was awe inspiring. More than his quest to transform Sean John from just another urban label to a sartorial heavyweight, his mission to diversify the face of fashion kept me glued to the screen

Diddy can be a bit much, but thats part of the reason we even know who he is. His approach to the design process is similar to the adage "those who cant do; teach" Instead with him its "those who cant do; yell at those who can until they earn their pay check" (lol)

Anonymous said...

Like all things "Diddy" - there were bits and pieces of the show that I really loved and others that I just couldn't understand.

Firstly in the couldn't understand category: "Why in the hell was Puffy walking around with a measuring tape around his neck and straight pins in his hands?" He had no idea what to do with either. We all clearly know at this point that he is not a real fashion designer and more of a creative director. And this is not to take anything away from his vision - but I believe most people would respect him a great deal more if he were a tad bit more honest about his involvement in the design process.

One other thing that I just couldn't understand - "Why were all the people in positions of power outside of Diddy non-African American?" His VP who was also African American seemed more like the disappearing politician than a decision maker. As a person living and working in the fashion industry we all know for a fact that this is where change is truly affected. Note to Diddy: "If you want to have an African-American based runway show then you must hire African American stylists, casting directors, production managers, etc. It was obvious that Bethann Hardison was merely "consulting" on the casting - not the director.

However, in Diddy's plus category - I must applaud him for standing proudly and strongly in his heritage. It has been such a long time since we have witnessed an African American celebrity stand-up and give it to the MTV generation raw and just the way it is!!! We all know that the MTV generation (of all races) are the leaders of America tomorrow and if they are not properly educated on race in America, things will only get worse or shamefully stay the same.

Overall, I think Diddy should be applauded for his efforts. It is truly a start in the right direction. Black is finally the new Black!

Anonymous said...

I love Liya Kebede she is gorgeous and she always looks impeccable. I am glad you featured her.