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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Style Verdict: Solange

So today, I'm going to introduce a new feature: Style Verdict.
While most stars hit the chic quotient out of the park, others, you're not too sure. Instead of profiling them in a typical Style File, I'm leaving it up to you guys as to whether this celeb is Fashion Bomb material. You decide: Does this star have style? Or are they still a work in progress?
Today's subject is Beyonce's little sis...
Admittedly, it must be hard playing second fiddle to the force that is Beyonce, but perhaps Solange holds her own on the fashion front? Let's take a look:
Knowles # 2 seems to favor flattering hour glass silhouettes comprised of dresses with seriously accentuated waists:
...and tops with short frilly skirts...
...worn with cute stilettos.
For red carpet events, performances, or nights on the town, she flaunts her form in freekum dresses...
..with more casual outings warranting head to toe black...
...with the neon accessories thrown in to great effect:

Not bad!
While she gets it right on some occasions, at times Solange leaves us scratching our heads:
This bejeweled neck is cute, but white shoes, why?
This Champagne frock won't send her to the fashion police, but it's shapeless design might get her cited...
A flapper dress is always pretty, but this hemline might be too matronly for such a young buck...
...and we all remember these purple tights, which did nothing for her standard black and white ensemble.
So is Solange a certified style star? Or is she still creepin on a come up?



Elle Woods said...

I like her style.

Anonymous said...

I agree. For the most part she gets it right...and her mess ups are very few (the purple tights were a big no no)

Anonymous said...

Solange is a trend setter. She is her own stylist which few especially her sister can say. She has great legs, great posture and pics items that the rest of the r&b kids are not up on yet! I love her!

Anonymous said...

I love the Herve Leger dress on her. I think she dresses cute is obvious that she is trying to adapt a style that is completely opposite of her sister. But I am not sure if she pulls it off to great effect. There are style stars such as Kelis and now Rihanna who can pull off 'different' more eclectic/edgy styles effortlessly (hit or miss, it still comes off effortlessly). I am not convinced that Solange can do that quite yet

Anonymous said...

I recently did a post on solange. So lol to that but I think solange could be a style star. I usual like what she has on but she seems to kill a good outfit by going overboard with "wierdnees". And sometimes she ends up lookin like shes trying too hard.

Anonymous said...

Solange style is alright. Sometimes she picks the wrong accessories for her outfit, and some of her dresses have to much going or the dress doesnt fit like it should. But most of the time i like her outfits. but the wigs gotta go. less is more!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah supa starry Solange does come off like she is trying to hard

Anonymous said...

I like her style, she's different and daring, she may not always have the most aesthetic look but she pulls it off somehow. I do think its unfair to always have a reference to her sister in news about her cause it automatically seems like shes inferior w/o giving her a chance

Anonymous said...

I like Solange's style! I think her style is personal and it works for her. i actually like the purple tights I think they look great...on her!

Anonymous said...

I dig her style and am glad she avoids the nude pantyhose B lives in (love her, hate the stockings!)to show off those great legs. She takes chances while sticking to a silhouette that's comfortable for her. I like her style choices.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Solange! Her style is chic and eclectic! Not many can do it but she def pulls it off! I loved every single outfit and I think the white shoes were bossy as were the purple tights! Rock on Solange!

Unknown said...

Solange's style is fresh. I find her style a breath of fresh air especially because I find Beyonce's style growing stale.

Anonymous said...

hmmm for me its a big no for me..some of her dress style makes her ridiculous..with regards in choosing the color i'll give her 10...good choice..

WendyB said...

I don't think she looks good in a single style here!

Anonymous said...

her styles are great, but i think sometimes the hairdos take away from the outfits.

Anonymous said...

I think Solange AND her sister tend to get it wrong more often than right-they both, generally, go for more instead of less in what they wear. Too many frills, patterns, colors, fabrics...just keep it simple! Less is more!

Anonymous said...

I actually really like Solange's style. She's unpredictable, sassy and a bit of a trendsetter.

Anonymous said...

I like her style! She looks cute in the short, hourglass dresses. Most of what she wears is stuff I would wear.

Anonymous said...

i LOVE solange's style. it seems natural for her and she outdresses b (who i absolutely love) anyday. not that they need to be compared because everyone else does enough of that but i never considered b to be a natural fashionista. i think she has access to the hottest but she's not flyy like solange is.

Anonymous said...

i'd rock the mess out of that first black dress that she is wearing. who makes that?! i need it.

Anonymous said...

i think she is great i love her style ...very different she doesnt care and thats a good way to go about ur own style dont care just do wat feels good 2 u and only u!!!