Monday, October 02, 2006

The Virtues of Virtual Shopping

"Paulette, I taught Bruiser to shop online, I think I can handle congress"--Reese Witherspoon as Elle in Legally Blonde 2: Red, White, and Blonde

My friends and I decided to drop into Urban Outfitters this weekend.

Sure it's a national chain, but they have affordable, edgy clothes that tend to scream 'look at me!' rather than look past me.

I'm feeling the whole trendy 'plaid' theme going on, and I decided to find one piece for my fall wardrobe.

I came across this bubble skirt by Lux.

It doesn't look that great in that picture, but trust me, it's cute. I can imagine that this skirt would look AMAZING with some knee high brown, black or wine colored boots (like the ones I got for $15 at the thrift store!!!) and any solid colored top...I'm thinking a black, purple, or cream turtleneck would tame the colors down but would still make the skirt stand out. It's so colorful that you could do tons with it.

The skirt was $68 in the store, which isn't bad, but my friend told me that she wouldn't pay more than $35 for it. She was right. The thing about trendy items is that you don't want to spend a ton because you might not be wearing that trucker hat/poncho/rhinestoned jean next season. You want to be in style, but you also don't want to regret any purchases by overspending.

I left Urban skirtless...I was sad, but also pretty sure I wouldn't pay full price. Well today I went online and found the same skirt on sale for $40 (plus $5 shipping!). Turns out the sale is a exclusive.

I couldn't click 'check out' fast enough. It should arrive in 5 days.

Bottom line, ladies: there are deals to be found online. If you want something and it's too expensive, walk away. But check back at the store's website or do a froogle search to see if you can find it for cheaper.


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