Friday, November 03, 2006

Make it Work: Interview with Tim Gunn

“What happened to Andrae ? Andrae. I always like to start my sentences with Andrae. There’s already a big age difference Andrae, and acting like a big baby and throwing a plate of lobster in my lap is inappropriate. If we continue to fight in front of my colleagues at Red Lobster, we’re going to have to break up. We’re going to try to make this work. We're going to make this work. You and me.” Santino joking about Tim Gunn and Andrae, Season 2 of Project Runway.

True fans of Project Runway should not only find the above quote hilarious, but also be excited out of their minds that I got to talk to the loquacious, fabulous, and fierce Tim Gunn!!!

He was the nicest ever and gave me some great quotes for my fashion story.

So towards the end of the interview, I decided to swallow my nerves and mention 'The Fashion Bomb' and how I wanted to get his input for a question that would interest all of you shopaholics out there reading my humble blog.

The golden question was this:
"If you're a twenty something female with limited funds, what three fundamental pieces should you invest in to start building a fashionable wardrobe?"

There was a moment of silence in which I held my breathe...after a bit of thought he revealed the following pearls of knowledge:

" The first thing would be a good tailored jacket that can be paired with a skirt (not necessarily a matching skirt) or serve as outerwear with jeans on the weekend."

"If one’s living in a climate where the seasons change, a basic winter coat is a good place to make an investment. But spending more than $500 is definitely too much." (Guess I should forget that BCBG coat...)

" A good bag that you'll feel great carrying all the time. I travel in the fashion circles. I see women with the same handbag all the time. Their look changes but the handbag doesn’t. Why not just carry the same bag? But if you're wearing it around that also means that you’re going to want something that’s not shouting at you."

Words of Wisdom. I told Tim the url of the blog and he said he'd be interested to see. So maybe he'll read this?? How exciting!

So readers, I hope you learned something. If not, Tim Gunn was amazing.



  1. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Good advice from Tim. Are you going to be posting the transcript of your interview with him on this blog, or will it be available somewhere else?

  2. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Way to make it work!

  3. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Yes, congrats on your interview. I am so glad you got a chance to ask those questions because I fit that exact age category. I love your blog by the way....I just discovered it last week. :)

  4. BUt...but I need to see what else Sir Gunn said. Shall we get the transcript?

  5. Quotes from Tim will be in a future issue of a magazine...once the piece is published, I can give y'all a look see at the transcript. Will let ya know when that is:)

  6. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Claire, What an informative blog! The information can help any woman of any age. My favorite articles are the H&M piece and the advice from Tim Gunn. I am a huge fan of the store and of Project Runway. After spending my early 20s living, working,studying,and loving in NYC... my advice to the twentysomething is to set a budget and stick with it! Do NOT blow your paycheck. Your big brother, Andreeeee and I were in high school together in Atlanta and he let me know about your blog. I am so proud of all the hard work you are doing with this blog(I remember when you were a pre-teen). Keep up all the good work, and keep on teaching us how to shop and dress!


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