Friday, January 19, 2007

Style File: Kelis!

"Where there is cheese there are rats/ wherever there are rats there are cats/ wherever there are cats there are dogs/ If you got them dogs, you got b*tches/ B*tches always out to put their paws on your riches/ If you got riches,you got glitches./ If you got glitches in your life computer/ turn it off and then reboot her, now you back on./ Can't just put the cap on the old bottle once you pop it that'll spoil it, gone and drink it and enjoy it."—Kelis feat. Andre Benjamin 'Millionaire'

Hey faithful readers!

Most celebs have great clothes with the help of oodles of money and stylists…But few are courageous enough to be bold and assert their individuality quite like Kelis.

Kelis hasn’t always had ‘great’ style per se....there were those days when her hair and clothes were a bit ‘wild’...

But we'll forgive her!
She has evolved into a certified fashion trend setter through the use of her signature haircut...

Accessories, like sunglasses...

Bright, Vibrant Colors...

And cutting edge, unique pieces...

It’s always refreshing to see someone out there with a style all their own. As Coco Chanel once said, “Fashion Passes, Style Remains.”
Have great weekends!


  1. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Thanks so much for the Kelis feature! All fashionistas must recognize that she is on point! Truly an icon for the Millenium Generation...

  2. I am very happy that you did this post. Kelis is fire, a little Kim of yesteryear a tread setter to say the least. I have watched her evolution for a while now and it is great to see her happy and happening. I say Nas and Kelis are the First Royal Family of Hip Hop because they are expressing love, power, respect kicking booty and taking names

    NOW That's Bossy!

  3. Anonymous7:46 PM

    kelis' confidence is what allows her to pull off all these outfits. i mean, even when i think her outfit is terrible, she is never consumed by them. her strong personality always shines through!

  4. Anonymous11:17 PM

    I love Kelis...This has site has officially earned my respect. Kelis is overlooked by many and appreciated by a few. I have aways admired her beauty and style! I wanted more pictures of Nas, but Kelis satisfied my fashion "fix". Thanks!


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