Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Real Style: NYU Edition

"You go man, then when everybody says quit/You show them those degrees man/ When everybody says hey/ You're not working/You're not making any money/You say look at my degrees and you look at my life/Yeah I'm 52, so what, hate all you want!/But I'm smart, I'm so smart, and I'm in school/And these guys are out there making money all these ways/ and I'm spending mine to be smart/You know why?/Because when I die, buddy, you know what's going to keep me warm?/ That's right, those degrees."--Kanye West, 'School Spirit Skit 2"

NYU girls were working it in their own fashionable way during the Couture Noire Fashion Show....I had to take a few pix!

These two statuesque divas looked great in their flannel, jeans, and boots.

Smile! These sisters were polished yet saucy in their heels, tights, and skirts.

This young lady epitomized casual cool with her jeans and flat boots. I loved her long, layered necklaces.
NYU students bring the fire, even on a college budget.
Think you've got 'real style'? Show me what ya got! E-mail me at

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