Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Rebirth! 2007

"Dressing in purples and pinks and greens/ Exotic as rum and Cokes/Living our lives with flash and style/Ain't we colorful folks?"--Maya Angelou

So last night I attended an event called Rebirth! 2007...

...sponsored by the New York Urban League of Young Professionals. The event was advertised as an,"evening of visual art, music and culture inspired by the young African-Americans that gave birth to the Harlem Renaissance, as well as the celebration of this cultural revival that continues to appear in New York City today." I'm all for celebrating cultural revivals...plus the event promised a fashion show by emerging designers, so I hopped in a cab after work and made my way over to the Mereces Benz dealership...

...where the event was held.
I reported on time at 7pm, but as with any 'urban' event, things didn't really get crackin until say...8ish. I had a lot of time to kill, so I decided to scope the crowd for fashionable folks. A few pix:

Straight from work, yet stylish. The girl on the left looks cute in her sassy shoes and bow-detailed light pink blouse. The young lady on the right rocks a sweater dress in daring white with demure flat boots.

I was immediately drawn to this group of friends because of the colorful yet conservative saffron dressed lady in the middle. The other girls took a few trends--footless tights, sequins, wide belts--and made them their own.

The graphic print mini dress is the look for spring, but this young lady adapted her frock to the cooler temps by slipping on tights with pumps. The red scarf on her white bag adds an unexpected yet pretty burst of color.

And lastly these girls, who work in creative fields, exemplified casual chic. The girl on the left's purple perfection dress is flattering and complementary to her amazing makeup. The girl on the right's boots were capital-f Fierce, and provided an exclamation point to her neutral outfit.
Lots of fashionistas in the house.
So after waiting and waiting, the crowd started to fill out...

...and it was finally time for the show.
First up was House of Osun, an African inspired line of one-of-a-kind wearable art. A few looks:

Click to enlarge
I loved the bright, bold colors, varied hems, and ethnic designs. I can just imagine one of their dresses under a cute jean jacket.
Next up was Harriet's Alter Ego, a line whose boutique I wrote about here. They create saucy, form fitting knits and African inspired pieces:

Click to enlarge
Once again, the bright colors held my heart, and the ruched dresses are on my list of 'must haves' for warmer temps.
Zulema Griffin, contestant on the second season of Project Runway, showed her collection last. This girl rocked the runway:

Click to enlarge
The construction was flawless. She stuck to a somber color palette of blacks, grays, and whites, but jazzed it up with gathered hems and unexpected cuts. Zulema is so talented, I can't wait to see what she does next.
To keep track of Zulema Griffin, visit her official site, www.zulemagriffin.com.
For more info on House of Osun, visit their website www.osundesigns.com.
For Harriet's Alter Ego, visit their website at www.harrietsalteregoonline.com, or visit their Brooklyn Boutique at 293 Flatbush Ave, tel 718.783.2074.
I really enjoyed the event. Now I'm wondering how I can become a member of the Urban League...
PS I'm quoted in a New York Post story today about minis called 'Thigh Anxiety'!!

An excerpt:
Claire Sulmers, a 26-year-old fashion blogger for The Fashion Bomb, votes "Yay" on the mini, as well.
"To me, minis exemplify youth, courage and sexiness," she says. "But I'd definitely recommend wearing footless tights with them, so your business isn't flying in the wind."

I'm an idiot.
To read the whole article, go here.


  1. Anonymous12:32 PM

    A million thanks to you for your beautiful recap of Rebirth! 2007: A Renaissance Remixed. Your dedication and passion is clearly evident and I am glad that to were able to make it out to our event. As mentioned before, I am sure we will see a lot more of you as well as from you! I can't thank you enough :)

  2. That looks like a fabulous event! I especially love the prints and colors of the first two collections. And congrats on the quote in the NY Post! It was really cute.

    Last thing, sorry but I have to be slightly anal for a moment :-) You might've mixed Zulema with Kara Saun, Zulema was on Season 2 of PR. That's all...carry on! :-)

  3. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Love the quote. ;o)

  4. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Fabulous event!!

  5. Anonymous5:43 PM

    You're fabulous!

    I love the audience photos more than the runway photos--that's style in motion!

  6. Claire, congrats on the Post quote! It looks like I've missed you again...I was planning on attending the Urban league event, but had to work! Great recap.

  7. Anonymous10:29 AM

    The New York Post? Now your on every subway rider's radar! Congrats Claire!

  8. Congrats on ur New York Post quote....
    I think I'm brave enough to wear a mini dress without leggings..... ill prolly wear shorts underneath though.

  9. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Wow congrats!! The recap was great, I especially liked the fashionistas photos...Keep up the good work !!! :)

  10. Congrats on the NY Post quote - that's amazing! Do your thing, girl!

  11. Anonymous5:04 PM

    I'm new to your site and I LOVE it! The yellow dress in the middle of the trio you featured was my Easter dress this year. You would not believe the compliments I rec'd from just about everyone I passed. Gotta love H & M! Peace


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