Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Real Style

Hey Guys,
So I met these two fierce and fashionable young ladies a few weeks ago at an event…

…and had to snap a pic.
I love the girl on the left’s skinny jeans, large belt, and cute heels…and the girl on the right looks statuesque in her tights, shiny shirt, and cardigan.
Bold accessories, shimmery items, and stilettos--these are all ways that you can add a touch of glamour to your everyday wardrobe.
PS Stay tuned this week for Stylefiles and Mail Bombs!
PSS Kate Moss’ collection debuted today at Barney’s. StyleChile went and said it was bananas!! Stay tuned for her review!


  1. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I have to disagree with this one. The girl on the right has on an overlaod of shimmer. From the silk cami to the beading on the cardigan, on top of her gold jewelry, studs and belt, it all equates to an overwhelming effect. Which consequently, causes her own style to be drowned in a pool of shimmer.

  2. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Yeah, me too. These girls are so overdone. The girl on the left has on fur and those huge earrings...and the girl on the right is just on fashion overload.
    These ladies look like they're trying too hard!

  3. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Take it from a man, them two girls would get no play from me if only because I could already tell what they're about: Taking all damn day to get ready. The girl on the right could've taken it down at least four notches and still looked good.

  4. Awww Claire! Thanks for the link! I need to do a better job of reciprocating...I love your blog and clearly read it more than I do mine! Love the pic...apparently shorts and tights were all the rage in Paris a few months ago, so homegirl on the right is right on time!

  5. Hey. your blog is very interesting! can we link our blogs? please write back in my blog "everyday glamour" ( theres a shoutbox) but if you write a comment- that would be much better!
    This would be nice!

  6. Anonymous11:40 AM

    i think th ladies themselves are stunning and they didn't need to overwhelm their natural beauty with all the "stuff" they had on.


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