Monday, July 02, 2007

Dripping in Diamonds

"Diamonds On My Neck, Di-diamonds On My Grill/Diamonds On My Neck, Di-diamonds On My Grill..."--Kelis, 'Bossy'

So I'm back in NYC, back on the grind. Honestly, I'm exhausted. My ATL vacay was thrown for bit of a loop due to a minor/major car accident. The car's totalled (I wasn't driving, just sleeping in the back)! I'm fine, just a lil scratched up. The icing on the cake was when Delta airlines (still smokin) delayed my flight back home. Didn't help I was seated in the midst of a group of obnoxious grown, drunk men on the plane. Unacceptable!
Anyway, again, enough about me! Wanted to tell y'all about this cool online diamond e-store that has very affordable starter studs for fashionistas on a budget called Abazias
Why Diamonds, you ask? Well, you may get pimped out in nice clothes, but wearing a pair of clear, light catching diamonds makes you shine in a way that few people can. Diamonds are of course an investment, but a cute pair of diamond studs go with anything. They work whether you're dressed down in a jean jacket...

...glammed up for the red carpet in black tie frocks... an understated elegant accent to a hot white suit...

...or the icing on top of a multicolored cake...

The great thing about Abazias ( is that it has plenty of starter options for diamond divas on a budget.
You can get these .1 carat round cut diamond studs for $84...

...or these .15 Princess Cut Studs...

...for $133.
You'd easily spend that on a pair of jeans! Abazias is safe, and has a 10 day return policy. Plus no sales tax and free shipping.
Check it out:)
PS Imposter alert! So fab reader Brianna was kind enough to alert me to a "website"/ "blog" titled "We Got Style" ( Well anyway, I clicked here and found that these "bloggers" straight up reproduced my posts on their site. I tried to e-mail, to no avail. What's a girl to do? I mean imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but they couldn't even disguise it??? Or ask?? Ridiculous!


  1. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Hey, where did you hear of this site and are you suuuuure, they are "diamonds"???

  2. Anonymous1:37 PM

    wow, sorry about your vacation troubles!

  3. Anonymous1:45 PM

    OMG! The other website is straight jacking The Fashion Bomb - all the way down to your personal blogs about your girlfriend in Atlanta and the request from Renee (I'm Renee') about Rihanna's dress. There should be a law against Blog Jacking! Good luck with getting a reply from them.

    Best regards, Renee'

  4. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Maybe you can ask had the same issue with blog-jackers recently.

  5. They even copied the info about the move. They have no shame.

  6. Anonymous3:00 PM

    That's so messed up. That other "blog" stole the whole site...not just bits and pieces... I'm so sorry.

  7. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Check with blogger! I've never seen this before.. it is dead wrong! I wonder who they jacked for

  8. Anonymous4:14 PM

    what email address do you send fashion inquiries to?

  9. Anonymous4:24 PM

    hey girl can someone PUHLEEZE tell me where to get a skirt or dress similar to the one Rihanna wore to the BET Awards? She looked stunning. No blog jacker I just really want to straight jack-et...the dress that is, I don't belong in Bellevue.

  10. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Whoa. that is so ridiculous! You need to get that blog shut down ASAP.

  11. Anonymous10:04 PM

    First off...I'm so sorry to hear about the accident. I hope you and your friends are okay! Secondly...WTF?! Those people have no shame!! I mean they got your website copied down to a "T", all the way to the part of you bustin them out and providing the link to their booty ass website lol. Hot ass mess. But thank you for the info on the diamond studs, I've been looking for some for the low-low!!!

  12. Anonymous12:59 AM

    I just left that website a stank comment and I sent a message to their online store. This is just a Hot Ass Mess. Love your posts though. Keep them up!

  13. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I can't believe "wegotstyle"!!! How dare them just jack your entire blog! Obviously "wegotstyle" has no class.

  14. OMG... that is so horrible. I can't believe someone would steal a whole blog...LMAO

  15. Anonymous2:40 PM

    You are so generous, I would not have posted a link to this site, TAKE IT DOWN, as you are directing web traffic their way, probably what they want!

  16. Anonymous5:07 PM

    OMG! I can't believe that other site stealing your stuff! wtf! take down the link. :)

  17. Anonymous5:35 PM

    whats weird is that they don't even read their site. it has this exact same post down to the line where it says that its a copy. not sure what you could do about it, but i'd take some screen shots or something.


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