Wednesday, July 25, 2007

R.I.P Vibe Vixen

Happy Wednesday!
So today, instead of looking at trends or talking about fabulous peeps I see on the streets, I decided to do a little tribute to Vibe Vixen Magazine, which recently folded.

Just as I poured out a little licquor for Suede...

I felt it was only only fitting to mourn the death of yet another magazine that spoke to our demographic.
Vibe Vixen had great beauty pages...

Accessories spreads that spoke to us...

Cover subjects that we adored and admired...

And featured the men we love...

I'm really sad to see it go! I feel like young black women need a magazine...but then again after the deaths of Vibe Vixen and Suede, I wonder: did anyone read?
Did you support Vixen?? Or is everyone doing their reading online???


  1. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I used to be huge magazine fiend. I thought suede was a god send. Then came the internet, and though I think it's important to support black media. I prefer the immediacy of the internet.

  2. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I LOVED VIBE VIXEN!!!!!! I was so happy when I was deployed overseas and was still able to stayon my A-game because of the mag. I still have every copy that came out. SOOOOOOO sad to see it go.

  3. I just paid for my one-year subscription to Vixen, hope I get my $10 bucks back. I wish both mags could get enough publicity and interest like Essense has.

  4. I'm sad to see it go. I loved Vibe Vixen. The features were must-haves for young, black women. Suede isn't offered in my area, so I don't know too much about it, but Vibe Vixen was great. It's sad that it wasn't recognized more.

  5. Anonymous11:28 AM

    i have to say, i am a magazine girl through and through and i love the internet too. i think they both complement each other.

    was it lack of advertising? jane folded too i heard.

  6. Anonymous12:03 PM

    i was a big fan of vibe vixen - that tracee ellis ross cover was amazing - from then on i was hooked. i hope that it can be brought back one day!

  7. I was a subscriber and I'm sad to see Vibe fold. Add Honey to the long list of mags for young black women that have folded.

  8. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Honey's still!

  9. I was crushed when Suede folded. It was funky, edgy,colorful, and for young black women! I use to want to work for a magazine, but with all these women's mags leaving the newsstands (Honey, Suede, Jane, Vibe Vixen), I guess I'll stick to blogging and reading the internet!

  10. Anonymous1:39 PM

    awwww....I am going to miss the magazine....I have been looking for it it my area and haven't seen it in a month or two, and now this.......I used to like honey too....shoot they owe me my $10 back, because I didn't receive all the issues......

  11. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I absolutely LOVED VIBE VIXEN. I am so pissed because although I love the net I enjoy sitting back in my house and reading magazines. It is nothing more relaxing than chilling, sipping on wine and flipping through Vibe Vixen. I for one bought EVERY SINGLE issue.

    I hope something will be there to replace it soon.

    ~stay fab

  12. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Did it really? NOOOOOOOOO!!!! I loved this mag. I subscribed and couldnt wait on each issue. I was a Suede subsciber also. I didnt even know that they folded until I stopped getting the mags and I called like whatup? They were like oh they stopped printing, I was like damn, refund check?!

  13. Anonymous2:10 PM

    well it's sad but the truth is pple don't read anymore magazines or newspaper anymore..instead we go online to get up to date information instead of waiting for the next day or the next month....

    In the business world you have to change with technology....get smart and recreate yourself for your audience.....

    Example be, actors are whinning anc complaining about sitcome quality that reality TV has taken over but hey life changes and pple want to see something want to be recognize and still talked about as an actor...start a reality show....

    So i say all this to say rest in peace black magazines and black business pple reinvent yourself to make that money....


  14. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Suede was the best mag ever...and Vixen definitely filled a voice for Black women who love style! So sad to it go...but sites like fashionbomb and clutch do a great job of keeping us on our game.

  15. Anonymous2:17 PM

    I had subscriptions to both magazines. I was so disappointed when Suede cancelled because I felt that it was a great womens magazine for black women today. Then I got Vibe Vixen through Vibe and I was so excited when they were gonna do monthly ones and now this...they shoulda just went back to the 2 annually at least. That sucks big time.

  16. I was sad to hear they were folding...and with Jane gone last week, I'm a little scared about my future..

  17. I am so mad. I did not care one lick when Jane folded. I did not even notice ellegirl and teen people folded...but Vibe Vixen is a big part of my fashion and beauty addiction. Ggggrrr I have the mya cover, the kelis cover, and the fantasia cover and I don't even like fantasia! I even just wrote about rihanna covering the latest issue. I want to scream. I hate to see all those people lose their jobs!!!

  18. Anonymous3:28 PM

    say it ain't so! i absolutely loved vibe vixen. from the features, to the photos, i loved it all. i was a fan of suede as well. although, the internet gets me through the day at my 9 to 5 i will always enjoy curling up and reading a magazine.

  19. Anonymous3:49 PM

    JANE magazine, and Elle girl folded too...

  20. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I was more upset when Suede departed early. However, I thought Vixen would feel that void, and here we go again...Not to mention, I got a subscription to Vixen...I'm crossing my fingers for a refund or a replacement!

    In the meantime, we do however have the always up-to-date online experience! I feel like very soon, there will be no mags for the magazine fiend to flip through!

  21. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I read it and I too am sad to see it go! But you made a good point...a lot of us young, fabulous females are doing most of our reading on-line these days!

  22. Im a little burnt
    As a straight Male I use to cop this mag (mainly for the covers)
    But I got a little insight on the ladies...what is Ima do now!?


    The Message board (Grown folk talk)

  23. Anonymous4:33 PM

    My fav was Honey magazine, which also folded. I subscribed to Vibe Vixen as well, and though it could be fun at times I honestly found it mostly too thin and lacking in content. Hope to have Honey back one day (or even Heart and Soul!)because we do need a mag that speeks to younger women of color.

  24. I paid for subscriptions to both SUEDE, which I absolutely LOVED and Vibe Vixen, which was a good enough replacement when SUEDE folded. I thought Vibe V. was going to last. Why don't magazines devoted to our demographic, young, female and fashion forward LAST. What are we doing wrong?? FYI we're not getting our subscription money back. I never got mine back from SUEDE. If we do I'll be surprised.

  25. Anonymous7:18 PM

    It's sad such a great magazine like VIBE Vixen wasn't recognized more. It was one of the only high fashion magazines featuring everything from important health issues to make up tips geered toward young black women. What can we do to keep magazines like this alive? I'm so upset!

  26. Anonymous7:37 PM

    i loved both magazines too. i'm definitely in mourning!

  27. Are you serious!!!!! I just paid for a subcribtion to Vibe Vixen!! I love that mag and I loved Suede. I really loved Suede.... Oh my heart breaks. What else will I read beside Essence? What other magazine is produced for young, black females?

    I know some people said that they like the internet but I hate reading long articles online. I usually skim them and keep it moving.

  28. That's terrible. I was a loyal subscriber to Suede and Honey. Now Vibe Vixen has bitten the dust as well. Essence is ok, but it seems to cater to older, richer Black women. Essence has been around for 37 years and it is a good magazine, but it may alienate the under 30 crowd. Oh well, maybe another magazine will come back in it's place. I certainly hope so.

  29. Damn Im mad at this...everytime I subscribe to a magazine with people that look like me they fold. This mag was actually good too. I subscribed to Honey, kaput, Suede, kaput....Im not subscribing again.

  30. Anonymous12:59 AM

    I'd subscribe again, but I really need 2 know why they are folding. What iz going on? We have peeps who are interested, so what's the issue? Vibe Vixen was sorta so so for me, but Suede was hot. I need 2 know now. I need a black young mag 4 me.

  31. Anonymous7:11 AM

    There are alternatives online, try, founded by one of the former editors of Suede.

  32. Anonymous8:34 AM

    I was a subscriber to Suede magazine. I only recieved one magazine and that was the end of that.I've tried emailing then for a refund, but never recieved an answer back. I want my money back.I'd liked the magazine because, I felt that it related to us black woman. It was for us by us. What happen????

  33. Anonymous10:23 AM

    It's so sad that this magazine is gone. I was really into Honey and Suede like everyone else. I wonder if the issue is people in the Midwest not purchasing it because i know for sure women in NY bought those magazines. Essence has a certain style that fits all demographics. Those other magazines only reach women of color in a certain age bracket that appreciate style and a certain funky fashion. I'm not sure if women of color in St. Louis or Louisiana would be in to it. Still soooo sad to see it go

  34. Anonymous11:30 AM

    First- I was a fan of Suede and Vibe Vixen except for when included something way too gritty for a young professional lady. Unfortunately they both fell into the same trap. They came out in their promotional run saying that they were magazines for "urban" women. Black, latino asian and white. They were over the top with inclusivity. It's okay to have a hip young alernative to Essence. It's also okay to say it's for black women. If it's a hot magazine and has a good cover shot anyone will pick it up. I work in advertising with women who are not black who pick up "our" magazines based on who's on the cover. And that's fine.
    Secondly - The publishers have to figure out the new complexity of our demographic and decide on one magazine style to run with. It hurts my soul that there are 5 trillion fashion/beauty/lifestyle magazines for every type and style of woman and yet "we" can't get this right. Can we truly only have Essence? There were issues of Vixen that were cringeworthy for me. I am 30, I was raised on hip hop and urban fashion, I spend lots of nights downtown and have fun, and I don't want to see an occasional story about a video ho, or some rappers girlfriend. That's not speaking to me. To put it plainly, there needs to be a magazine for young, black professional women who are turned off by ghetto fab and hip hop misogyny and another magazine that is for women who are okay with whatever foolywang nonsense is coming out of these rappers mouths as long as the song has a good beat. That's the difference. Once we separate what these two groups of women like, we will have two more hot magazines out there. One magazine can't speak to both of us...SORRY!!!!!

  35. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Not again! I loved Suede, and the last few issues of Vibe Vixen were 'FIRE". I loved the Janet and Mya covers. The editorial was tight, and the photography and layout made for visually intoxicating cocktail ( I loved the Wendy Williams layout, and of course Idris! LOL. Their new deputy editor Tai Beauchamp (I think she was at Suede too) had turn Vixen into OUR Vogue! R.I.P.

  36. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I loved this magazine...Hate to see it go :(

  37. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Loved VIBE VIXEN I was just re-reading the Tracee Ellis Ross interview again last night. I have the Fantasia cover as well. I really liked VIXEN it was something for the ladies. Sad to see it go. Nice tribute though!

  38. Anonymous2:22 PM

    I loved Vixen and Suede. Sad to see them go :( I'll pour a little bit out for my Vibe Vixen

  39. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I was loyal to Suede AND Vibe Vixen, purchasing them right off the newstand for every new issue. I am SO sad to see them go. Am I the only one that still reads magazines....:(


  40. I was definitely a Vixen fan from the first issue i picked up. I was so disappointed to read that its one!

  41. Anonymous4:28 PM

    i like the very first cover with ciara

  42. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Iloved Vibe Vixen, it was my favorite magazine. I don't know what magazines have the same vibe as they did for young black women. Does anyone know any other magazines??? No Essence or Ebony please!

  43. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Bought every issue of Suede and Vixen and my homegirls did too, it's a shame...

  44. Anonymous1:33 AM

    I will miss VV too! I really like Clutch, they are only on their 5 issue, but it's defintely up next!

  45. Anonymous8:01 PM

    The League Magazine is coming out in May, they will fill the void, I think.


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