Monday, August 27, 2007

New Look + Best of Real Style

Hey Guys,
So...notice anything different???
Do you like??
An anniversary is a special event, and you know I had to celebrate in style! The Fashion Bomb is all grown up, so I figured I'd ditch the pink, go for a fresh white, and a whole new layout. What do you think??
And this is only the beginning of the anniversary surprises. Stay tuned for a hot, hot contest featuring products from several Fashion Bomb featured designers, and my next event: An Anniversary/Fashion week party slated for September 8th. Get ready, it's gonna be hot!
So the past year has been a lot of fun, and there's a ton of stuff I enjoy doing for the Fashion Bomb. Every day this week, I'm going to highlight one, and today, I must shine a spotlight on:
Real Style

I love hitting the streets or patrolling the crowd for fabulous fashionable people, and New York City never disappoints! Taking pix of stylish strangers wasn't always easy. In one of my very first 'Mail Bomb' posts dated December 13th, 2006, I have the following:
Diamond and Nini ask:
"Do you just stop people and say 'excuse me, do you mind if i take a pic of you and put it on my blog?"
"Yeah, how do you approach them? Because so many times i wanna take pix of people rockin kewl clothes, but I dont wanna offend them even though its for something positive..."

To be honest, asking random people on the street is totally nerve wracking. I never know how people will react, if they'll be really stank, or what! But, because I know it adds to the blog, I suck it up and do it (all for you guys!). Most times I just ask my coworkers, but now, I have a 15 second spiel that goes,"HimynameisClaireandI'mafashionjournalist,Ihaveablogcalledthe FashionBombwhereItalkabouttrendsandfashionandIthinkyou lookgreatwouldyoumindifItakeapictureofyou??" Usually they say "What?" and I slow down and repeat myself:) I have cute pink cards with the name of the blog on it for added legitimacy...and thankfully every one I've asked has been sweet enough to say yes! I mean, I figure if someone came up to me telling me I looked fabulous, I'd be happy to take a picture as well:)
Thankfully, taking pictures is a lot less awkward these days. I noticed that everyone wants to feel flattered, stylish, and if their efforts in the morning are actually appreciated by someone else. So Real Style is a bit of a cinch...and I want to say "Thank you" to everyone who's posed and put their heads on the chopping block. You're the bomb!
So that does it for today; hope you like the new look.
And you *must* tune in for the contest. It's gonna be so dope.


  1. your site's new look is *the bomb*!!!! xoxo, wiwi

  2. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I love the new look, it looks crisp and you can see everything more clearly. I think the look is fab and ur doing a beautiful job.keep up the good work and i look forward to more and more to come!!!!!Stacey

  3. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Hey Claire
    Congrats, super new look and u must be so proud, u've come a long way! However it would be cool to see more pics of you after all it started with you featuring great finds and showing pics of u in fitting rooms...i kinda miss that personal touch to the blog. True it has evolved in a more professional tool for you but i used to tune in to see what YOU had found and it would be great to get a PERSONAL STYLE FILE section maybe! Hope you consider the request...I mean who doesn't want to see the person behind it all?! How the bomb is your style? Let us get a peek!!
    Cheers and happy anniversary!
    By the way I am an ex New Yorker who now lives in Dakar SENEGAL so you have fans all the way in West Africa! I can just kick myself when I read about all these fabulous boutiques and sample sales that I am missing! But hey I am married now and have a 7 months old baby girl so life does take unexpected turns! Bisous and love ur lil french remarks slash words in creole or french! Take care! I may send you pictures of how African Sistas rock it over here...u may find it very interesting and you'll be surprised how on point they are! Besides we do have a Dakar Fashion Week but wasn't featured on your blog LOL! Look it up on the internet!

  4. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Love, love, love your blog! I can't believe its been a year! The upgrade looks great so congrats on everything! I appreciate the comment from Senegal! She should def send some pics. That would be awesome to see! Looking forward to the par-tay!!

  5. Anonymous1:09 PM

    First off The Fashion Bomb is da BOMB but I think the white back ground makes your site look plain. You are way to fab to have just a plain website.

  6. Congrats on the anniversary!!! I've been here for about a year and as long as you keep blogging I'll keep reading! But I do have to say in all honesty I'm not a fan of the seems a little...blah. Too boring.

  7. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Overall YAY! I love the graphics, the font, the crispness of it all.. quite a surprise!! I think it is easier to read. But for me, your pink was signature.. maybe just bring back the pink background?

  8. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Hey boo! Congrats, I am so proud of you (tear drop)! You are truly da bomb! Keep up the fabulousness! I can’t believe it’s been a year already. I read your blog whenever I have down time at work but I don’t always comment. But it’s a great blog and I wish you continued success. However, I do like the old look better, but I am partial to pink so I might be a little bias. Love ya! (((HUGS)))


  9. Anonymous3:25 PM

    to date the last pic of the girl in the subway is still my favorite. she was fly and shes the reason why i long for cream boots still. congrats and keep up the work

  10. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Happy Anniversary! The new look is hot. Keep up the good work!

    Long time reader,

    Huey P. Langston :)

  11. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Hey Claire,
    Congrats! I love the new look and i adore your blog. Your posts make me look forward to going back to NY for the new school year. Good luck with everything!

  12. Happy Anniversary! TheFashionBomb is my favorite blog spot. Keep bringing it like you do, Claire!

    P.S. I love the new look but I do miss the pink background too ;o)

  13. Anonymous4:48 PM

    So what do I have to do to get into that banner? Lol. Anywho, I just wish that the tags had a drop down menu, so I wouldn’t have to scroll alllll the way down to get to the comment link, which looks like it’s attached to the previous post. Everything else is fine to me. But I think that the new banner with the collage effect is a trend with most bloggers; the previous one looked more classic and creative. Stay Fab.

  14. Anonymous5:11 PM


  15. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Loves it!

  16. I love it Claire! Very nice :) But I can't see the reading rainbow section yet...maybe you haven't added that section back to the site yet-or it could be my Mozilla browser. I totally remember that old post about taking random people's pictures and I can't believe a year has gone by since the blog's beginning. I been a fan from the start! :)

  17. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Hey Claire!

    I love your new site. My favorite is the banner (the gold and red shoe is pretty hot too!). Maybe you could make your background a very pale pink instead of the stark white. That way, you could still have an element from the old design. Whatever you do, I'll still be here! Congrats on making it! I wish I lived in New York instead of Alabama!


    great layout
    the white is fresh
    great ease in layout
    minimal clutter

  19. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I miss the pink. I love your site, however I want the pink back.

  20. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Fashion Week I love it. Clothes a women's best friend. Check out my clothing at


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