Monday, August 20, 2007

Real Style: Harlem Fashion Show

Hey hey!
Happy Monday!!
So as you know, I went to a fantabulous fashion show last week...and a few of Harlem's finest were in the building. I got there a little late, but still had a bit of time to patrol the crowd for a few fashion bomb worthy peeps:

These three looked retro yet chic in exotic prints, bold accessories, and rose colored sunglasses...

These twins were super duper dapper, sporting tailored jackets, spiffy shoes, and one hot Fendi briefcase...

And lastly this Fashion Bomb reader looked amazing in her Sass & Bide dress. I loved the dress' chic stripes and pockets! And she accessorized simply and subtly with a long necklace.
Shortly after snapping her pic, the show didn't have time to take any more crowd pictures. But the show was well worth my trek up there. Stay tuned for a blow by blow this week.
Until then...
PS Did Harlem peeps bring the Real Style?
PSS The B Life Blog talks up B-Girl Style.
PSSS In NYC? The Billion Dollar Babes Sale starts tomorrow!

Visit for more info.


  1. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I love that girl's Sass and Bide dress!

  2. i love the sass and bide dress too!!

    but um, those two guys, the one on the right looks like he was mauled by a bear moments before the show!

  3. Anonymous11:50 AM

    That Sass and Bide dress is the hotness!

  4. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Iagree with other posters. The young lady looked Fab in her S&B dress. I'm sorry but the twins looked like they were trying too hard, especially the one with the tattered jean coat. The top three ladies sporting the retro thumbs down.

  5. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I love how unexpected that Sass and Bide dress is. Great Pick

  6. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Your reader is killing that sass and bide dress! Where did she get it?

  7. I really hate sunglasses at nite and indoors...dont you feel foolish protecting your eyes from light bulbs? so the 3 women up top get a no ma'am from me...
    that s&b dress...heat...intense heat

  8. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Yay! I made the page!!! Pleasure meeting you and I hope you enjoyed the show...I did :)

    Btw ladies got that dress @ a boutique in LA called Aura.

  9. SO...tHE first two pictures were not great...there was nothing fashionable about those two, just another case of "When keeping it fashionable goes wrong." However the last girl looks HOT! Sadly, her necklace doesn't work with her look. When in doubt, keep it simple.

  10. Anonymous3:47 PM

    I think the twins were on point. If I'm not mistaken, that shredded coat is vintage Vivian Westwood. It's a fashion show's supposed to be over the top!

  11. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Love your site , yall killin them with the retro look and the vintage sunglasses! Keep it up girlfriend.


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