Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sad to say...

My computer is acting up!

It's been plagued with viruses and spam as of late. I tried to fix it myself with downloadable software, but it's just not having it!
My friend told me that he's never had a problem with his Apple laptop (I have a Dell--don't do it!). So it seems I'm going to have to take a trip to the Apple store sometime soon...
Horrible timing, but...what can ya do?
I'll try to keep the posts coming this week despite the crisis...
In the meantime:
*Batch Please talks about celebrity duo Ashley Tisdale and Vanessa Hudgens.
*Tia over at Shake your Beauty discusses her favorite fall beauty items.
*Naki over at Style Chile discusses her love of Kimora's Life in the Fab Lane.
* Indulge in Malcolm Harris' fabulous life at Cut, Sew and Blog.
*Check out the new Armani phone at Strictly Fabulous.
*Discover website www.flyjane.net at I like her Style.
*Get the latest on Michael Vick, James Brown, and Beyonce at Stereohyped.


  1. Anonymous1:21 PM

    i just bought the macbook myself - you will love it - come on over to the apple side!

  2. Thanks as usual for linking me Claire! I hope your computer gets better soon.

    Two things:

    (i) My cousin, who lives in Canada, wrote to me to tell me that she saw me on Fashion Bomb and I'm thinking, how come she 'ain't reading my blog?! I have a slew of girl cousins in Ontario and they're all big fans of The Fashion Bomb!

    (ii) I don't love Apples :( I have a Dell Inspiron myself...learning to use an Apple is like learning another language (it doesn't help that I'm not that tech savvy)...additionally, Apples are not that compatible with A LOT of other programs...that being said, I hear it's super for creative work, so I don't know.

    Good luck!

  3. macbooks make life easy and chic. got the black and its sleek.

  4. I sympathise with you greatly. I kicked off my computer life with Apples and then I decided to get a Dell laptop. It started off fine and was really fast and then after a year it started to go real SLOW!!. I spent my time running from viruses, early this year I gave it up went right back to Apple and I have never been happier. Amen!! Apples rock, they are very user friendly and with the new ones you can run Windows as well. Mind you not that you would need to as Mac OS is great.

  5. Claire,

    After I went through five windows machines in ten years (four desktops and one laptop), I threw up my hands in disgust and bought a Mac desktop.

    Macintosh is a more elegant system, and I've found that most Windows user make the switch pretty easily.

    If you have any trouble, you can get your Mac store to help out.

    I do have a re-rigged Windows machine that runs a few non-Mac compatible programs. It is NOT hooked to the internet, and I rarely start it up. But it is there for the rare times that I need it. I think it has been on ten times in the last three years.

    I highly recommend a Mac system: desktop, imac, or laptop.


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