Monday, November 26, 2007

Real Style: Reader Submission

So the holiday was soooo relaxing, but somehow it didn't seem long enough!
Anyway ever since the most Fashionable Fashion Bomber contest, I've been getting some great submissions from loyal readers who want to showcase their style. Today, I present Alexis...
....a law student at Syracuse University.
She says " Most that know me call me Miss. Bre. Kinda like Beyonce's alter ego Sasha, my fashion abilities have shown through my alter ego Miss. Bre..."
".. I describe Miss Bre as fly, young, and flashy when it comes to fashion--wearing what I feel is hot at the moment but yet putting my own little quirks and twist to it. Right now I'm really into Indian inspired fashion because of a recent trip I took there..."
"....I love that everything over there is embellished with massive stones and bling. I definitely don't consider myself a fashion guru who knows the do's and don'ts, but I do consider myself a person who has appropriated a style that fits my personality and most importantly me..."
So what do you think? Does Ms. Bre have great style?
Fashion, News, and What Nots

*I was indulging in my favorite Sunday treat, the New York Times Style Section, when what should I stumble upon, but a feature article on Fashion Bomb Friend....
....Andre J! Someone told me to stop posting pix of him, but I just can't resist!
The article, by Guy Trebay, was on Andre's fortuitous ascent to the French Vogue cover. A great quote from Andre J, "Anything you love you can sell, honey, and I sold it. Andre J. is a part of history.” Preach! Catch the rest of the article here.
* Nina Garcia (of Project Runway and Elle fame) will be having a reading and signing for her book, "The Little Black Book of Style"...
...tonight at 7pm at the Barnes and Noble at 6th and 22nd in Chelsea. I'm torn between going or taking this hot class at my gym (must work off those turkey calories)...but then again, how could I pass up the chance to meet the Fashion Director of the great Elle Magazine?!?! Ok, I might see y'all there...
*Roll out (if you can) to this panel discussion tomorrow:
Click to Enlarge
It's from 3-5 at Conde Nast. Don't ask me why they're having this epic panel discussion in the middle of a workday! Do they want people to come???
Anyway, I'm sure you all heard about the whole Glamour 'debacle'. If not, read this great article.
This panel should be a good, frank discussion on perceptions of race and beauty (and why one Glamour staffer said dreads and Afro's were an office 'don't). It's a huge chunk of time, but I must go. Definitely see you there!
*What'd you get on Black Friday??? My favorite splurge was this pair of Miss Sixty Boots (love them!)

...and my favorite 'save' (if you can call it that) was this pair of shiny leggings from American Apparel...
..for $40.
Yes, I bought the shiny leggings. Though Rihanna rocked them well...
... I'm still kinda having questions as to how I should wear them. I'm thinking just a long sweater and pumps will do...


  1. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Hi, fashionistas!!!

    For Black Friday, I went to the outlets around my way which opened up at midnight, and it was utter pandemonium. I only went because I absolutely needed this fly leather coat by Guess? and I got it for an awesome price. I also got great stuff from Kenneth Cole, Cole Haan, Nine West, DKNY, and a plethora of other nice names for unbeatable prices!!!

  2. Miss Bre does look cute. Esp in that blue dress against her skin.

    Oh, and I was totally dissapointed in Black Friday. Got a few deals, but nothing like last year.

  3. I like her style, wish she had more pics of the Indian influence but she is beautiful.... I like that we all respect individuality and creativity on here. I notice a lot of women in public give u the evil eye when ur different. Just the other day I got double doses of the evil eyes because I was "a la Lindsey Lohan" with leggings, shirt and major fab boots. Guess black girls not supposed 2 do that huh? J/k

  4. I have to agree with lexyb, my homegirl and I hit our local wack ass mall here in Milwaukee to get some deals on Black Friday and received dozens of glares, stares and once-overs because we were fashionably dressed (which I'm assuming is a big no-no here-???)

    Best Black Friday deal wasn't really a Black Friday deal at all. I was forced into Macy's (because they bought out Marshall Field's ugh) to find a pair of cute black flats, which they didn't have. Luckily, I hit up TJ Maxx the next day and saw the same shoes in my size for even lower--I was SO geeked!

    And uh, Claire, u're killin' me with the pics of that dude! ::sigh:: at least this time the images were smaller, lol

  5. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Not a fan of leggings. I guess with a long tunic or a short dress they look ok, but I hate that people wear them like they're pants and rock regular-length or even cropped shirts. Umm, nobody wants to see your ass. Maybe that's a question of the quality of the leggings themselves ... I don't know, I just don't like them. And they're really not flattering if you're more than 110 lbs. I just don't understand why everyone loves them so much.

  6. Anonymous1:56 PM

    I do love Ms. Bre in the blue dress with the wine accessories, though. That's an unexpected color combination which looks really great against her skin, especially with her hair color. Two thumbs up on that!

  7. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I've had those same shiny legging for months now, and still haven't found anything to wear them with.

  8. Anonymous5:04 PM

    work it Miss Bre --i am thin by mature but i i loooove to see regular-sized women with a great sense of style.
    Uhm Claire, that dude is scary!!

  9. Anonymous5:06 PM

    ^^ thin by nature. That dude scared me so much hence the typo lol

  10. Anonymous6:24 PM

    I think Andre J. is phenomenal. And Gorgeous. Brava! Now if the fashion world could continue to mix it up a bit it would be a far more beautiful place.

    And though I love to shop, I observed Buy Nothing Day ( on Black Friday. Kept my sanity.

  11. My shirt covered up my bum very nicely but I want to know why must everyone look the same? Rocawear, timberlands, leather coats with the fur hoods, logo'd out. krystalc thats why Claire gives us so many options, I have seen fabolous girls over 150 lbs rock the leggings..... anyway, Nina's book is hotttt to deaf I knew u wouldn't miss that one Claire!! Have u checked out Victoria Beckham's book?

  12. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Actually, lexyb, I would like to know the same thing: why must everyone look the same? I live in NYC. Everywhere I go, I see young women of all races and nationalities wearing leggings. As you said, we all respect individuality and creativity here, so forgive me if I don't quite get why leggings have become such a "hot" trend. To me it just looks as if you're walking out of your house in your gym clothes. But that's just my opinion and that's why I choose not to wear them. What you and hordes of other women have decided is fashionable is your business. While I certainly appreciate the myriad of styles Claire posts here (or else I wouldn't be an avid reader of this blog), who says that I have to like everything she likes? We all have our own tastes.

    For the record, I do not own-- and have never owned-- anything by Rocawear; nor do I wear leather coats with fur hoods because the idea of fur grosses me out. And I only wear Tims when I have to shovel.

    That is all.

  13. Anonymous12:03 AM

    As a person that is totally and completely obessesed with fashion, I don't understand why a man with a beard is wearin' dresses, I'm sorry, badly wearin' dresses. That is not cute and him is not fabulous....please stop it.

    P.S. Love your site by the by

    -Z'maji @

  14. I didn’t say you had to like everything….they are comfortable just like the Uggs everyone wear. I didn’t say you wore Rocawear but Im saying why is this acceptable but other young ladies who go against the grain looked at as weird? Im asking in general why is ghetto accepted but not other young girls who do not want to be?


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