Thursday, December 20, 2007

Best of 2007: Fashion Bomb Readers

Hey Y'all,
So I'm finally home! Sorry for the delay; I got in late last night and slept in (naturally) this morning. As I type, I'm watching an afternoon poutpourri of the Finest Television (Maury, Judge Mathis, Judge Judy). It's divine
But enough about me. Another huge highlight for the Fashion Bomb's past year: YOU!
In 2007 you guys really came out to represent like never before, showing me your style for The Fashion Bomb's various contests, and also displaying your fierce sense of chic just because. We've had readers from NYC... the Chi...
From New Orleans... Toronto....
From College Students...
...To Mothers...
And everyone in between!
You may not know it, but you guys motivate ME to update this blog with fresh content every day. When I'm having a bad day and it seems that all is going down, down, down...I open my e-mail and see a positive comment or someone who has a question for me, and it clears away all the doldrums.
In sum, this blog exists largely because of...
Thanks for reading! You're the bomb!
Fashion, News, and What Nots
*Only one more day of the year recap before I ship off to the motherland (aka the Bahamas) for next week. Don't know if you know, but my mom's family is straight from we're all going down to enjoy the fabulous weather and Junkanoo (carnival on Christmas Day). I couldn't find my camera charger (no annoying), but I'm gonna really try to capture the moment for y'all--true authentic Bahamian style. Buck! 


  1. yaay shay shay reps toronto fashionistas!

  2. Anonymous3:29 PM

    yeah Joy !
    and props to you Claire - love the blog & read it everyday!

  3. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Great blog!
    You can see this blog on your mobile/cell phone. Look at to see what it will look like and then go to your phone and type...

    You also put a link to the mobile version of your blog in your blog using this page..

    It's totally free. Hope you like it. Tell your friends if you do.


  4. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Being a fellow bahama mama, i'm jealous you're going to junkanoo! We love your blog. I read everyday, and I even got my friends on. So, thank You!!

  5. Claire, thanks so much for putting me on your blog...twice! I had to show this to my mom! ("Mama, I'm a fashionista!") Your blog, and your readers, inspire me to greater fashion heights daily!

    p.s. Chi-Town stand up!

  6. This is probably completely random, but I have been looking for some really sexy leather boots in flats. I can't find the ones I really want anywhere because none carries a size 11. (being tall is a curse)

    Do you have any suggestions? I'm in Toronto.

    Thanks! love the blog!

  7. Anonymous11:29 PM


    Such beautiful sista's. Black women are proof that God still designs in flawless perfection.

    -Z'maji @


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