Friday, December 28, 2007

New Years Fashion Resolutions

Hola Chicas!
I'm finally back in NYC!!!
I can't lie...going from 70 degrees, beautiful water, and blue skies to 40 degrees and gray is a bit of a bummer. But I'm excited to party it up for New Years in NYC!

So of course with the New Year comes New Years resolutions.
Last year, I had exactly five fashion resolutions. Let's see how I did!
My first was..
1. No more cheap shoes!

I'd had several horrid experiences with broken heels and the like. There was my black stiletto that snapped while walking down 5th Avenue; my Nine West pumps that sprung a leak by my pinky toe; and countless other tales of woe and pain.
Thankfully I invested in Cole Haan Nike Air pumps as I mentioned here...
...And the pain, broken heels, and cracks are over!
The second...
2. Chill on Chinatown!

I'd been caught in the past with a few fake items from my trip to China. Tired of the ridicule, I decided to take Kimora's advice:
Don't buy fake luxury-brand pieces--the people you're trying to impress will know right away you got that Louis Vuitton on Canal Street. Go for unexpected middle pieces from middle-tier brands (the ones other women probably won't pick)
...the words of a true fashionista! I went ahead and followed Kimora's counsel when finding a new work bag. I invested in another Cole Haan creation...
It's big, red, and fits everything!
My next resolution from last year was to get...
3. One status bag.

For some reason, I stopped lusting after the status bags. While any classic should be a part of a woman's wardrobe, I haven't had the extra funds to indulge. Perhaps I can look into this for the New Year....

4. J.Crew in moderation.

My obsession with J. Crew used to be embarrassing. All the people in there knew me or thought I worked there! I'm proud to say that I haven't purchased one cable knit sweater this year. I did indulge in this jacket...
...and a bit of cashmere....but I'm getting better (promise)!
5. Fashion Shows, Fashion Shows, Fashion Shows!

When I first started blogging, I was lucky if I had an invite to one show. Thanks to the Fashion Bomb I've been able to go to shows large and small from Baby Phat to BCBG. And I plan on going to even more this coming February!

So that does it for resolutions from last year. For this year, I only have a few...
1. Take The Fashion Bomb International.
I started with the Bahamas...
... but I really want to give you guys a taste of urban global fashionista flavor. I've got my sights set on Europe, Africa, and even Asia. Let's get er done!

2. Chill on the big ticket items.
As you can see above, I've made some pretty big wardrobe investments this year. At this point, I no longer need to spend a grip on wardrobe essentials; my focus should be small, inexpensive items to complement what I have. I promise, this year, I'll shop more vintage, more Forever 21, and spend less than $100 on any one item. You don't have to spend a ton to have great style. Remember Kesh??
She said "Nearly everything you see me wearing costs less than a large pizza. I dress so cheap I should be homeless!"
It can be done!

3. Lastly... Take The Fashion Bomb to the stratosphere!
This means more updates, more shows, more cool designers and great picks. Also, more reader participation. Tell me what you'd like to see more so I can give you a better experience!

Think that's all. What are your resolutions?
Fashion, News, and What Nots
*Looks like the Fashion Bomb will be partying with the JI Group for New Years!
...bring your flyest, cause I'll be watching (and taking pictures)! Tix are now $175, purchase by clicking here.
*Posts have been a bit sporadic with the holidays and vacation, but I promise to resume normal posting (mail bombs and all) in the New Year!


  1. Happy New Year Claire Good job all year long on your blog! I absolutely love it and have opened my eyes to the world of fashion all thanks to ur blog lol. Keep up the good work and I look forward to reading this blog in 2008!

  2. Happy New year, hope you had a good time at the bahamas, love the post. I will keep tuned and look forward to checking the blog out in 2008. love Envisage

    could you link me?

    thanks, check my blog out

  3. New reader here. Great post. Those are good fashion resolutions to have. You definitely don't have to spend a million to look like it.

    Have a Happy New Year and I wish you the best.

  4. Resolutions for fashion:

    1) instead of buying meaningless yet cute bags (guess, etc) I will sit the money aside for a statement bag

    2) develop a basic "uniform" for work (nice, soft tees with skinny jeans and flats)

    3) use pieces I have to create new looks instead of shopping everytime I go have an event

    4) learn where and how to shop for vintage

  5. I would have agreed with you until I found out a few weeks ago that most of these luxury make their products in China (Tod's runs on basically a Wal Mart scheme) or use Chinese laborers in Italy or France, selling it at huge margins. They maintain the air of exclusivity by pretending they are made elsewhere and even for those made in China, as long as the final pieces are added in one of the European countries, they can put the "Made in Italy" or "Made in France" label.

    I'm not a label wh*re, but I have loved Tod's products for ages until I realized that 90% of the price is profit.

  6. Congrats on achieving the goals of the year! My big fashion resolution is to get more basics. I have WAY to much print in my wardrobe. When I look at pics often im the only one in print. Time to grow it up

  7. Happy New Year! Fashion is your middle name!

    The Bee is out!

  8. Anonymous1:45 PM

    You look too cute in your Jcrew blazer! I'm want one now haha


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