Friday, February 01, 2008

How to Get into Fashion Week

Reader Alyssa wanted the inside scoop on Fashion Week.
She asks, "I was wondering if u can help me, I wanna go to fashion week, but I
dont have any tix, Can I pay at the you know? Please help me
Hey Alyssa. So basically shows are invitation only and open to celebrities, editors, buyers, socialites, and other forms of new media (now bloggers). A month before the shows, you can apply for fashion week credentials; once approved, you're given contacts for each show. Invites are at the discretion of the PR firm, and basically only Anna Wintour has access to everything. Unfortunately those not in the industry (unless you're friends with the designer) don't get a chance to make it in. A bit of a bummer, but I'm sure as with anything, if you really want to make it happen, you can!

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