Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Trend Talk: Nerd Glasses

So surprise, surprise. I'm pretty blind.
Believe it or not, yours truly sported painfully nerdy coke bottles with plastic frames for most of adolescence. As far as I was concerned, it was definitely not a good look...I was more than happy to trade in my specs for contacts in junior high.
Interestingly, a nerdy glasses trend has been blooming amongst fashionistas of note--with surprising results:
Fashion Bomb friend Kesh actually looks hot rocking black specs with a strapless tube dress, doorknockers, and gold chain...
Neo-Soul Queen Erykah Badu has taken to wearing large librarian glasses, but makes it sexy with a deep cut button down, scarf, and beret...
And trendsetter Kelis rocks a turtoise shell pair...
...with a striped turtleneck.
This trend is even transcending gender, with Style Czars like Kanye West...
...and Damon Dash...
...unabashedly sporting glasses at the most fashionable events.
Could lame be the new cool?
If so, try these:
Top Row: Risky Readers, $14,; Editrix Readers, $58,
Bottom Row: Cazal Glasses, $300,
For Guys:

Johnston & Murphy Readers, $60,
Might have to dust off my old frames and give 'em a twirl.
Fashion, News, and What Nots
*Deal of the Day:
Boombox Bling Necklace, $14,
*Splurge of the Day:
Get a Kelly Rowland airport look...
...with this $1,445 Miu Miu Matelasse Large Hobo...
...from Bergdorf Goodman. (Thanks AosGrl!)


  1. Anonymous7:27 AM

    I love this post. You are always very insightful. I added you to my profile on blogcatalog. Please keep up the great work.

    CONTEMPOZINE - cool gifts for men

  2. Ohmygosh - YES to nerd glasses. I wear a pair everyday and would never go back to contacts. Good call, lady. -the DCGF

  3. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I don't know, Kelly makes me think of an extra-fly bum. By no means am i insulting her, Kelly is my girl all day. I am really feeling the whole look and i might just cop it.

  4. Anonymous6:58 PM

    lol at the "extra-fly bum". Kelly has the "I-grabbed-the-first-thing i-saw-this-morning-but-dang!-I'm-fly" look which i love. She is one of the flyest sisters out there

  5. Anonymous2:03 PM

    I just stumpled across this blog and i love it. BUT i have to disagree with the big nerd glasses, I dont like them. They are such a throwback. And I wouldnt even really call it fashion, more of a trend like those jihad scarves (im in the village so trust me i know! lol) And the only reason they are "fashionable" right now is because the 80's are back in style. Which I completely disagree with also...i mean the 80's?!?!?! c'mon that was not a good time in fashion, not with those damn doorknockers, One shoulder cut out sweatshirts over leggings, cuts in the eyebrows and the sides of your fade and those damn 80's colors, you know the teals, purples and mustard yellows YUCK. Do we really want to look like Dwayne Wayne on A Different World?

  6. Anonymous6:33 PM

    I love guys in glasses... the right glasses can make a guy so sexy. I am a huge fan of sunglasses. I can't get enough.

  7. Anonymous3:51 PM

    true i think nerd glasses will be a shorter-lived trend that won't last nearly as long as leggings, but i recently came back from berlin...a big trend-setting city and the mothership of avant-garde electronic music which has an underground, edgy feel...and nerd glasses (with and w/out lenses) in all colors were a common accessory of the trend-setters and "cool kids." brace yourselves, kids, if it's hot in europe and it's made its way to the u.s., it'll probably be around for a little while.

  8. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Filthy Dripped now has replicas of these run dmc glasses that are alot cheaper than the originals.


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