Monday, May 12, 2008

Real Style: Mother's Day

So in commemoration of Mother's Day yesterday, reader Quaneshia from Memphis, Tennesee wrote in with a bit of 'Mother Real Style'
She says, "I'm a teacher who definitely believes in beauty on a budget and achieving "the look" for less. I wanted to send you some pics to see what you thought about my style...I call it classic elegance with hints of trendy and color... "
"...My school style may consist of basic pieces with modern trenches to updated suiting to cute dresses paired with cardigans. Also, because teachers nowadays have a life, I can be casual for a day out (notice the coordinating grey on the Chucks :)) or classy on a night out with the girls...  "
Since it was Mother's Day Weekend, she says, " I thought it fitting for me to send a couple pics of my little man..."
"... Kamrin is 5 years old and has a style ranging from preppy to male urban chic. "
Y' cute is this?????
In sum, Quaneshia says, "Although we're not not as eclectic as I've seen on The Fashion Bomb, do we have style???"
I think they do!
What do you think?
Fashion, News, and What Nots
*Fashionista reports that Iman...
...will grace the cover of Italian Vogue's much anticipated all black July issue. Ooooh, I'm getting excited! [Fashionista]
*The Times online on Jourdan Dunn...
...and on the fabulously homogeneous fashion industry. [Times Online]


  1. I love you style! It is definitely chic! AND little man is going to be a heartbreaker!!!!!

  2. These two are the cutest ever!!!

  3. Anonymous9:58 AM

    soooo adorable the both of you!!!! people forget that style does not only have to mean crazy pieces, patterns, or cuts. your the best dressed teacher I have ever seen!

  4. Anonymous10:26 AM

    You definately have style. Being well put together is what matters in my opinion, no matter how you do it. I agree with lish!

  5. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I LOVE YOUR STYLE...very chic. I really enjoyed your pics and your little man is adorable.

  6. Anonymous10:28 AM

    You my sister have an eye for fashion for you and your son and I love it. It say's alot about you so KUDO'S

  7. Quaneshia is FAB-U!! Two snaps a circle, whip cream with a cherry on top!

  8. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Aw! I love that Quaneshia wrote in and also submitted her son's style! SO CUTE! And I really like the cream dress and cardigan - can I ask where its from!? Thanks!!

  9. I totally love both you and your son's style. Too cute!

  10. Yes and Yes to Quaneshia and Camrin's hot style!! I love how his style was described as "urban male chic"! lol!

  11. Anonymous1:24 PM

    You definitely have style. Ur the flyest teacher I've seen in a long time.

  12. Those pictures are so very stylish and well put together, and your son is adorable, I LOVE how you chose to spell his name and dress him.

  13. You two most definitely have style. Go Memphis!

  14. Anonymous2:55 PM

    okay..that little boy is the one of cutest kids i've ever seen in my life, and he looks so debonair for a 5 year old! i love it!

    as for the mom, she looks appropriate and stylish for a teacher, although i would've worn the dress without the jeans.

  15. wow mother and son killin it on the fashion tip....he's such a little cutie!!!...and im so excited for that all black vogue issue !!!!

  16. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Did she really need to ask? ADORABLE--the both of them!!!

  17. Anonymous5:28 PM

    I am so impressed with Quaneshia's style! She looks fabulous for a teacher but still totally appropriate, not drab and matronly like many teachers feel they should dress.

    And her son, SOOOO adorable.

  18. Both of them are adorable and def have style!!! AWWw

  19. Love the mom's style and her son is adorable

  20. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Quaneshia, both you and your son are adorable! Claire, don't u have that white silky dress? I like how she pairs it with jeans...

  21. Anonymous10:32 PM

    The mom is Fab and the son is a little heartbreaker, he is so cute.

  22. Anonymous10:51 AM

    I love your style! May I ask where did you get the dress from in the 3rd pic...cuyute!

  23. Anonymous10:32 AM

    First of all, thanks soooo much for all of the great comments!!! Kamrin and I definitely appreciate all of the love from fellow Fashion Bombers.
    So, about the cream dress, it's cream with black polka dots but you can't see them in the picture. Anyways, it's an Isaac Mizrahi creation from...drumroll please...Target!!! (Remember I live for style on a budget) I have a black one also, and it came in pink and a pretty blue. I don't think they will have it in store, but you might want to check online. Thanks again everyone and to you Claire!!!

    Be Fabulous!!!
    ~Quaneshia (and Kamrin)


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