Thursday, May 15, 2008

Real Talk: Stained Leather Fix

So last summer, I purchased a cute, functional light leather bag. It was a subdued tan, had fashionable tassles, and went with just about everything!
After a summer of parties and fun, I took a look, and my poor bag was almost embarassing to carry around:
On top of being stained by my excessive cocoa butter use, black jackets, and dirt, it also had gum on it! Don't ask me how it got there.
I really thought my bag was done for, before I spoke to a friend who told me I could get the problem fixed for a steal.
He directed me to a place called Evelyn & San...
A shoe repair shop nestled away at 400 West 83rd street and 1st avenue.
The shop itself was very unassuming...
...but when I took a closer look, I noticed all the Gucci bags, Manolo Blahnik and Louboutin heels...this place was all business!
I asked if my bag could be fixed, and the friendly Italian owner told me that with two weeks (and $75 cash), he could make it good as new. $75 seemed like a lot, but I decided to trust him...besides $75 is nothing compared to the price of buying a new bag.
Three weeks later, voila:
What do you think? The gum is definitely gone, as are most of the darker's definitely much better than it used to be! So instead of succumbing to the allure of purchasing a new tote, it seems I can carry my old purse around for yet another season. 
If you, too, have a light colored or white bag in your closet that you think is virtually unwearable...hit up your local shoe repair store. You never know. For a small fee, you may be able to rock your bag like new!
Fashion, News, and What Nots
*Calling all designers!
Yaz birth control wants to redesign the iconic birth control case and is looking for aspiring designers for ideas!!
Launched by Nina Garcia, the contest gives designers the chance to redesign a chic, more sophisticated birth control carrying case. Design submissions will be accepted until June 30, 2008. One lucky winner will receive a $10,000 prize to invest in his or her career dreams!! Hey, why not?
For more information, click here or here.
*Ruth la Ferla of the NYTimes...
...on the Rogan for Target/Barney's Collabo.
*Bossip has scans of Naomi Campbell... next month's I-D magazine. Check out her spread here. [Bossip]
*A promo image of the new show, Stylista...
....if you haven't heard of it, it's where young hopefuls vie for a spot at Elle Mag. Must see TV!!
*Just for fun. I frickin love this song:

It's even on My Myspace page!


  1. Anonymous8:11 AM

    If you love "Everyone Nose",wait until you hear the's on FIRE!!!!

  2. OMG - I was just asking a few friends if they knew of any places that cleaned leather handbags. Thanks for the tip! I will be making my way there for sure!

  3. Anonymous12:19 PM

    That is awesome that a place can make your bag look like new!

    Sorry to co-opt the thread, but I do not know where else to turn. I have a white all weather winter jacket as a gift. I know it will not stand a chance in NYC because it will get dirty too easily especially with the subway. Do any of you know where I can get it dyed? I went to numerous cleaners and was told that they do not do it. The jacket is a nylon-ish material.

    Thanks for your suggestions!

  4. Anonymous2:50 PM

    A good tailor and cobbler are your best friends! Better to invest in quality and take good care of it (cleaning, repairs) than to always have to replace your things. Your bag looks great. Sure, there's a little discoloration from the cocoa butter and fabric dyes, but essentially you had been retanning the leather all that time.

    I think those cleaners are right--you can't easily dye a synthetic fabric like nylon. On the upside, though white shows dirt quickly it is often the easiest to clean--use non-chlorine bleach and/or rinse it in lemon juice and dry it in the sun.

  5. Anonymous3:30 AM

    i always get my shoes and bags fixed by my local cobbler. once i buy something i like to keep it for a while, so i try to maintain it.

    everyone nose = the cocaine song. the lyrics are hilarious and the beat is hot.

  6. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Everyone knows that "Everyone Nose" is straight fiyah!!!! The remix is absolute bananas with C.R.S and Pusha!


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