Monday, August 18, 2008

The Fashion Bomb is a Finalist for the Black Weblog Awards!!!!! + Fashion News

Oh Wow guys.
So I've been super busy all day, haven't checked much online (my bad) but was juiced when my friend told me that the Fashion Bomb was a finalist for the Black Weblog Awards!!!!
I took a look at the roster. Seems The Fashion Bomb is a finalist for Best Style and Fashion Blog...and Blog of the Year?!?!
I'm so happy to be in the finals!!! But you know what would be sweeter? A win! Ha!
Please do click here and cast your votes yet again. Seems they'll have a winner by September 4th: Just in time for Fashion Week! Eek! With that said...
Love you guys, thanks for all your votes:)
Pssst: For this round, you actually can't vote for me without voting in other categories. Stumped? I highly recommend voting for What Would Thembi Do for 'Blog to Watch' and Young, Black, and Fabulous for 'Best Gossip Blog'.
*Will you be in line for Comme des Garcons for H&M???
I don't think I'll be braving the crowds for this one.


  1. Love the coat I'm not to sure about the dress. maybe if it was on a model that didnt look psyco

  2. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I also wanted everyone to vote for "Yeah...I said it" for best Humor blog and personal blog. Take a look at it!

  3. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Miss Claire!!! I am so proud of you, as you truly have the best blog EVER. Since stumbling across your webpage I've found a home, you provide insightful answers for everything I've ever wondered about in fashion...(is this in season, where can I get the look for less, what was she thinking?). I will surely pass the word along and you deserve this award. I hope to see you at an event sometime soon, my schedule has hindered me from meeting you at the previous ones, but I check TFB daily. Keep it up!


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