Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The NY Times on Sky High Shoes + Splurge of the Day

*Bill Cunningham of the New York Times discusses the indomitable presence of sky high, uncomfortables shoes at Fashion Week:
He says, "Without a shadow of a doubt, the handbag is less important and the shoe and the long stretch of leg has arrived in New York like a tornado force. The women are all in these spidery strapped shoes, usually black, very high heels.” [NYTimes]
*Speaking of high, hot shoes, check out the splurge of the day:
Camilla Skovgard Glazed Ankle Buck Sandals, $538 at


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I really need that shoe in my life.

  2. i love that concept, SPLURGE of the day -- no fronters allowed--love it

  3. those are lovely--that would make a great day!


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