Monday, November 24, 2008

Miss Jay's New Book!

The New York Observer reports that fierce runway coach Miss J is writing a book called Follow the Model: Miss J's Guide to Unleashing Presence, Poise, and Power:
According to the article, the book promises to include "inspiring advice, life lessons, and self-esteem coaching for all women," punctuated by Mr. Alexander's "colorful anecdotes."
The guide should hit bookstores in Fall '09 coinciding with the debut of his and Jay Manuel's new show, Operation Fabulous.
This might be a cute read. Will you invest?


  1. OMG! I'd love to read this book, can't wait to check it out!

  2. I Co-sign that! When is it slated to be released?

  3. I want it! I hope it's soon!

  4. i would read the book but miss jay is just a little too extra sometimes. he hasnt successfully mastered being a woman yet anyways. lol.


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