Monday, December 29, 2008

Fab Links

Hey Y'all!
I'm fresh off a plane to Paris, and am going to get my jet lagged booty to bed!
If you still need your fashion, beauty, and gossip fix, check out the following sites--they're the bomb!
* JC Report lists the world's top five must stop shops:
*The YBF brings the gossip, exclusively reporting that Eva and Lance Gross are now engaged...
*Fashionista thinks Beyonce's Diva video is a recreation of Gareth Pugh's Spring 2009 Show:
*And Scandalous Beauty gives the scoop on After Christmas beauty sales!
I'll be back in fine form tomorrow:)


  1. The clean out your closet post inspired this group on facebook. Please Support and join!

  2. Anonymous12:46 PM


    What happened to that link you put up of that other site's CLEANING OUT YOUR CLOSET blog? I didn't get to save it and I came back for it and now it's gone. Could you do us a big favor and put it back up. Thx.


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