Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 3: Internship Contest

Ola Lovelies!
I'm just coming down from the sheer excitement of yesterday. I couldn't stop myself from watching Obama's inauguration video and clapping to myself. Yes we did!!
Today is Day 3 of the Fashion Bomb internship contest! Keep an eye peeled for fun posts from contenders Anitra, Ashley, and Amber.

And a note about the contest: Adriana and I really did scour through all the applicants with a fine toothed hot comb, and chose the finalists after everyone competed in a preliminary contest. While absolutely everyone did fabulously, we could only choose a handful, and we think the top picks are the bomb!
With that said, enjoy, and continue to let us know what you think. Also, stay tuned tomorrow for the 'tern takeover: an onslaught of the hottest beauty and fashion news on the web!
C & A

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