Friday, January 23, 2009

The Fashion Bomb Intern Contest: Time to Vote!

It's time to cast your votes!

The intern hopefuls did a spectacular job, and showed that they're each the bomb in their own ways:
Suzy introduced cute home decor ideas, and started quite an interesting discussion with her Michelle Obama post.
Stylish Anitra has a great eye, and snapped one heck of a Real Style pic.
Southern Belle Ashley wrote with tons of personality, and made us all fall in love with her Vintage Style idea.
Canadian student Vuitton brought a male perspective, and flexed his sleuthing skills with Mail Bombs.
Beauty aficionado Amber showed us all how makeup can complement a fashionable look.
And Hampton University student Jemise also showcased her beauty knowledge, and scoured the web for Fashion Bomb worthy news.
But only one can win this fabulous prize...

..and it's up to you!
Get to voting...
...the polls close on Sunday at noon EST.
*Can't remember who did what? Scroll down on the left hand column for the Blog Archive and a list of past intern posts.


  1. Anonymous5:35 PM

    seriously ashley rocked this contest

  2. My favorite was Ashley to win the contest, but I think it would be cool to have Vuitton on as a guest blogger. His Mail Bombs were great.

  3. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Vuitton is my fave. he KILLED it!

  4. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Wow this is hard! Good luck to all!

  5. Ashley killed it. Her post was fresh and original. Vuitton was hot but, he only expanded on what the fashion bomb already does.

  6. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Vuitton did alot of work. So, I choose him.

    But I did LOVE Ashley's blog about Whitley Gilbert. That was so cool.

  7. Anonymous10:20 PM

    the girl from HU had the best beauty blog and i'd love to see more beauty at tfb. claire and adrianna already do exactly what vuitton and ashley did

  8. Anonymous10:47 PM

    whoever wins, I think it'd be great to use some of the ideas brought forth in the contest. Even if Ashley doesn't win, you guys should still try Vintage Style and also incorporate more beauty...imho

  9. Vuitton all the way!

  10. Geez! This is a toss up, should I go with Suzy and show some hometown love to Suzy or Vuitton who could give a male perspective on fashion? Can you vote for both?

  11. Anonymous3:12 PM

    VUITTON!!! From one Canadian to another! And he has put in a lot of work and brings a different perspective to Fashion Bomb as a man and a Canadian.

  12. Anonymous4:19 PM

    a male perspective would be great and I still think Jemise did a good job with the beauty. i liked ashley's post but is it really a different perspective of what we already have? i'm so torn... lets get two! Vuitton (he's fab) and Jemise!

  13. Anonymous4:52 PM

    On the surface, Vuitton appears to be the best fit in terms of expanding on exisiting FB post, however, Ashley was more original. The Vintage Style was very creative. If Ashley doesn't win maybe she can guest blog on the vintage style postings.

  14. Anonymous5:28 PM

    I think Anitra has real syle and is perfect for the FB but the vintage style was really hot!! Ashley's personal style is boring and uninteresting but I liked her new feature idea. So I'm torn with having to pick someone with actual style and someone who had a good idea.

  15. I voted for Ashley, I loved all of her posts.

    However Vuitton did a GREAT job with Mail bombs. His posts were pretty cool too. Ahsley won me over with her writing and the Vintage Style post tho.


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