Monday, February 16, 2009

Fun Black Fashion Fact: Cross Colours

Did you know??
Cross Colours was one of the first brands to make 'urban' gear fashionable.
Before Rocawear, Phat Farm, and Fubu, Cross Colours was the streetwear brand of choice for hip hop heads. Created by Carl Jones, a graduate of Otis Parson's School of Design, the clothes were without prejudice and appealed to anyone with a penchant for bright colors and an understanding of political and social messages.
Did you own any Cross Colours gear?


  1. oh dear, Cross Colours and Karl Kani.

    I was way too young to own any of this.

  2. My brother wore Cross Colours, I was like 4 so I didn't have any, but I always wanted some. Do you know where I can buy some now?


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