Thursday, August 09, 2007

Ten Reasons to Love: Kimora Lee Simmons

"I hope that when girls see my clothes, my shoes, or my outrageous jewelry collection, they feel the thrill of wanting more for themselves too. I love what my friend Andre Leon Talley said, 'If you are successful, people want to see it. They want to share in your dream." Kimora Lee Simmons, "Fabulosity"
If you've been reading this blog for a while, you're probably quite familiar with my obsession with Kimora Lee Simmons...

...or at least my love of her book, Fabulosity. I think it's smart, funny, and full of great advice...everyone should own a copy (I won't judge!).
Though I was slightly embarrassed by my adoration of a woman who some could say is little more than a super-trophy wife, moves that she's made in the past and present have helped me stand by my convictions.
So today I decided to give you: Top Ten Reasons Kimora Lee Simmons is the Bomb. Let's get to it:

1. She has her own reality show.

I was in the Bahamas for the premiere of her show Life in the Fab Lane this past Sunday, but from the looks of the trailer...

...ish is about to be good! Please believe I'll be posted up this Sunday with a bag of popcorn!

2. Homegirl has a Barbie Doll.

You know you've reached Diva status when Mattel wants to emulate your likeness!

3. She puts everyone to work--even her kids!

Julee Greenberg reported in WWD last Wednesday that the two tikes would be the inspiration and partial creative directors of a children's collection, Ming & Aoki, in collaboration with Kimora's Baby Phat Girlz label. The girls are seven and four and they're already making their own dough!

4. She knows how to 'Let it Go' a la Keyshia Cole. When her marriage with rap mogul and international playboy Russell Simmons went sour, she didn't leave in a huff. She simply said, "Next!" and got herself a hot new piece.

That's right, girl!

5. Again, Fabulosity.

I go back to this book for reference every couple of months for career, life, even relationship advice! Get it for as little as $11 here.

6. This 2005 Vanity Fair Article. Yes, it was two years ago, but this article *never* gets old! And I quote, ""I will beat a bitch's ass!" Kimora says of any woman who dares flirt with her husband, the famous Russell, a hip-hop icon for 25 years. Russell and Kimora are hip-hop's Ozzie and Harriet, or perhaps Ozzy and Sharon, a pop-cultural institution. And yet that doesn't keep "the bitches," as Kimora calls them, from trying to make moves." Love. this. article!

7.Her unabashed, unapologetic pursuit and attainment of gilded, gorgeous things.

...from the maid to the homes and the nannies, sometimes you she serious?!? Part of you is sickened, and part of you is like...alright, she's just...fabulous!

8. Her fun, over the top Baby Phat shows. Remember this?
If, even for a second, you didn't think I was a complete fool, then refresh your memories with these horrible videos:

Lol! I'm working on getting a new recording device for the shows this season! Promise! Oh, and no singing.

9. Her cute kids!

How can you hate a woman with such gorgeous offspring?!?

10. Most importantly, her business sense with KLS and Baby Phat

Baby Phat started as an offshoot of Phat Farm, but has eclipsed Phat Farm by far, reporting millions of dollars in sales each year. I'm personally not a Baby Phat girl, but there are tons of women who are!
She's the bomb y'all. I'll be sure to be checking into her show every Sunday on the Style Network.
Will you?
PS Want to read more? Check out this 2006 NYMag article by Phoebe Eaton called "Kimora Lee Simmons, the New Queen of Conspicuous Consumption."
PSS Need that Barbie? Preorder it for $60 here.


  1. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Thank goodness I'm not the only member of Kimora's fan club!

  2. I read and liked her book also. The only thing I didn't like is how she makes it seem so easy to just begin working in the fashion and entertainment industry. It was easy for her becasue of two HUGE reasons: She had been modeling for years before meeting Simmons, so she had a lot of knowledge about the fashion industry as well as contacts. The other reason is Bby Phat was already in the making and she came in and made it what it is today. Not that hard when you already in that industry. Other than that, the book was a lot of fun.

  3. I have not read her book yet. I am getting there. Great post. Something to keep me inspired and dreaming big. I hope I will be able to get a chance to watch her show at least once!

  4. Anonymous11:53 AM

    I saw the first episode of her show on I believe. I LOVED it and brought her book Monday. I think her insight is reaffirming to the whole trend of "using your thoughts to create your world/destiny/present." I am a fan and I carry the book everywhere I go. Still working up to those 4 inch heels :)

  5. You forgot one: she knows how to work a camera! She can teach Lindsey, Paris and Nicole a thing or two about how to turn an mugshot into a comp card!

  6. What no steal style!? Where can we get the look?

  7. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Yeah, we also forget that she didn't get to where she is without Mr. Money Bags. Please!

  8. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Okay, okay you convinced me she's fab.... but she ain't as fab as Bey!!!

  9. OMG I missed the first episode?! Ok, will be tuning in this Sunday. Fab dress picks, by the way :)

  10. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I am back and forth w/ truly liking her. She has done NOTHING different than any other smart driven, manipulative golddigger. Baby Phat is an offshoot of her husband's company done with her husband's money and she already had the connects from being in the industry. I am a fan of her style and beauty (AFTER the nose job ;-)) but no need to glorify her accomplishments.

  11. Anonymous2:45 PM

    whoa whoa whoa
    what is this nose job you speak of?
    I need pictures!

  12. Anonymous8:57 PM

    You forgot one...after she got arrested, this chick put her mugshot on a blinged out T for the season finale of her runway show. That is making the most of a bad situation in a FABULOUS way.

  13. Anonymous10:53 AM

    one word for kimora lee simmons: tacky. but she is driven and i give props where props are due. she turned baby phat into a viable, sucessful business and her children are adorable.

  14. Anonymous6:33 PM

    I LOVE her! She's over the top fab and makes no apologies! She reminds me of me(even I don't have all the trappings of wealth, I'm fly)--LOL. I watched the show with my mom and was damn near high-fiving the screen. She realizes that if you want the best, you have to be the best and ASK for what you want--like the Mattel/Barbie meeting. I love little Miss Aoki's confidence at such a young age. She speaks her mind and is strong in her opinions. I hope she and her older sister maintain that because too many of our young girls grow up and let men, employers, etc. run over them because they aren't confident enough to speak their minds (like most men are encouraged to do). Kimora doesn't knock anyone else and embraces her haters while not letting them stop her progress. I think all of us can see the genius in that idea. Peace

  15. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Hey all you Kimora fans...check out this site I just found.
    These is a one-of-a-kind costume designed by Kimora up for auction and it is FABULOUS! Only bad news is it is for little girls age 6-8 but pass it on to any Mom's who are Kimora fans.

  16. I think she is so sheik. Every time I see a new outfit I'm amazed. This is from her fragrance release.

  17. I love her show. This girl really has it under control. She doesn't take NO for an answer.

  18. I think Kimora is beautiful. She has it all under control. i wish i could be her sometimes.

  19. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I'm a little late to the party, however I am definitely a fan as well. She represents SO many great things. I look forward to learning from an icon like her and taking it to the next level with my generation.

    Contessa Gibson
    On Point Beauty Marketing
    312-730-2600 (Main)


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