Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Cool MySpace Find: Ashley Drapes

So my homegirl Bonnita put me on to the Myspace Page of a young lady, Ashley S (www.myspace.com/ashleysdrapes)...
...who is blowing up the scene in the Midwest with her flirty, bold, look at me earrings:
Ashley studied fashion design at the Illinois Institute of Art in Chicago after studying fine art at Chicago State...
While at the Illinois Institute of Art, she found her true passion: earring design.
She says, "My inspirations are art, life, people who take chances, color, European fashion, old movies, fruit, and different cultures..."
Alright! You can purchase her lovely creations by contacting her on her myspace page, www.myspace.com/ashleysdrapes or if you're in the Chi, at the Silver Room (1442 North Milwaukee).
Fashion, News, and What Nots
*The Independent...
on how to save money on clothes in hard times. [The Independent UK]
*WWD discusses the flowering of Global Fashion. [WWD]
*The Fashion Bomb loves Teyana Taylor, but this...
...has me scratching my head! Publicity stunt? Or fashion affront?

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