Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Claire's Life

Fashion, News, and What Nots
*Guess who's Teen Vogue's BLOGGER OF THE MOMENT!?!
Click here to logon to Leave lots and lots of comments!!
*Last night, I went to an event sponsored by Living Measure to support the charity Edeyo, an independent organization dedicated to improving the future of children in Haiti by rebuilding dilapidated schools, supplying students with learning materials and providing them with nutritional support. I'm half Haitian (sak passe!), so I had to make an appearance!
Aside from meeting Fashion Bomber Fabienne, I also met celeb endorser......Nigel Barker. He was the sweetest! And he told me he'd check out The Fashion Bomb! Nigel blogs as well...check him out at He's totally behind Edeyo. Learn more about the charity at
*Thanks Bsquared!
*For more on how to dress like a Hip Hop Girlfriend, check this post.


  1. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Go Claire! TV is one of my fav magagzines & FB is my fav fashion blog... Blessings to you!

  2. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Sak Passe my fellow haitian sister. Love your blog!

  3. Aw! Why do I actually feel bad for Alexis? She tried! And there's something to be said about her staying classy and not talking bad about Kanye in the aftermath of their breakup. Have you checked out her clothing line? I haven't...just wanted to hear your thoughts if you had.

    PS. Rumor is that Kanye's breakup with Alexis may have been clearing the way for his tour-mate Rhianna. Sad, sad!

  4. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Claire I am so proud of you!!!!! Next up you are going to have your own show. I keep saying that but mark my words!

  5. You are going places Claire..meanwhile...Kanye seems like a prima donna....must be hard work dating him.

  6. Anonymous2:31 PM

    The midnight blue one-shoulder dress Alexis is wearing in the 5th picture from top is apparently one of her designs from Ghita.

    I'll miss her, too--her style was fun to watch, and no matter how talented she is she'll never get the same exposure as when she was someone more famous' girlfriend. That's too bad.

  7. congrats on blogger of the moment do have the best fashion blog by far...

  8. Congrats Claire!!! You deserve it! The Fashion Bomb is Where it's at. I just hope the Teen Vogue piece doesn't bring as much negativity here, as it did with the other blog :(

  9. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Alexis deserves an award for dating him as long as she did. Ick.

  10. Congrats!! I didn't know you were half haitian....Sak Passe!

    Your blog is great by the way.

  11. Anonymous10:01 PM

    m'ap boule zamni! poukisa ou pas di
    ou aiysyen? congrats on the shout out from teen vogue.

    i never thought alexis was all that cute. i thought his other ex brooke (as full of herself as she was) was cuter.

  12. Girl if you werent right with your prediction about Kim and Diddy, not to say they are back together but dang nabbit if the kicking it hasnt recommenced!

  13. Congrats on the Teen Vogue Spotlight!! Do it Claire!!

  14. ooh! Congrats!!!

  15. Anonymous11:20 AM

    OH CLAIRE!!! I'm SO happy for you!! You are doing great things and greater things are in store for you!! CONGRATS!! I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!


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