Monday, October 13, 2008

"Emo for Obama" and Other Fantastic Election Buttons

No matter which candidate you're leaning towards this election, no one can deny that sometimes we all need a mood lifter. I found a good one the other day, and was entertained for quite a while looking through these hilarious and original Obama campaign buttons. Take a look at some of the best (and just plain silly) ones:

And my personal favorite (and for any Office Space fans out there):

But hey, no "Fashionistas for Obama?" We vote, too!
Pick up these great buttons and others at Democratic Stuff.


  1. lol love it

    on my blog now--haha

  2. Love these! Thanks for finding them. I just bought 15 to give to my friends as gifts depending on their personalities!
    Toni (see, I do read your blog!)


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