Friday, February 09, 2007

Fashion Week Round Up

"And I'll take with me the memories/ To be my sunshine after the rain/ Its so hard to say goodbye to yesterday."--Boyz II Men, 'Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday"

Hey Y’all,
Cue the violins: Fashion Week officially ends today. This week has been full of eventful shows, from big names like Carolina Herrera, to lesser known designers like Tadashi Shoji. As Eric Wilson reported in the New York Times, there were 221 shows this season, which spelled exhaustion even for me, who only had a handful of shows on my fashion plate. Yet and still, there were some highlights that I’ve been saving up for ya. Herein, the Fashion Bomb Awards!
Let's get to it...
Best Seat: Tadashi Shoji.
“What made your seat so great, Claire?” some may ask. Well I was second row, smack behind Carmen Electra (who was nice enough to snap a pic)

I was also right down the row from Ashanti

I got close enough to take a little viddy of the ‘princess of hip-hop’

Exciting, I know. The girl next to her is that red haired chick from the Fifth Element.
Anyway, one of the cool things about fashion week is being so close to people you admire (designers and celebrities). Most are are very nice with the pictures and autographs! Moving along...

Best Goodie Bag:

Tracy Reese!
Her bag had the Tracy Reese Hue socks I mentioned at the end of this post, great Sally Hansen nail polishes, a coupon for waxing, plus other what nots (Runner up was Baby Phat with two notebooks, Fuji water, a nailpolish, and two lip glosses).

Most impressive audience: Carolina Herrera

Carolina Herrera was the only show where I peeped both Anna Wintour and ALT (wearing a Michael Jackson-esque diamond lapeled number) in the stands. The room was filled with similar media heavyweights like Joanna Coles of Marie Claire Magazine and Hamish Bowles of European Vogue, along with TV darlings like Kim Cattrell and Ms. Jay of America’s Next Top Model.
Here’s a video of the final walk:

At the end, you can see Ms. Jay and Phillip Bloch:)

Most exciting show?

Baby Phat, hands down. Do we need to view the video again?

I had so much fun at that show. If you don't know, read about it here.

Best Celeb Encouter:

Tim Gunn!
He's as nice off camera as he is on. You can't say that for many celebs (*ahem* Ms. Jay) can't get much better than that.

The best part of Fashion Week?
The fabulous, fierce people I met!

Designers, stylists, writers, and celebrities all flooded the tents for fashion week. It was great chatting with and meeting y'all!
So next up for me is Malcolm Harris’ DesignersforDarfur show that I wrote about here. It takes place tonight at Roseland Ballroom, the same venue where I kicked off my fashion week with Baby Phat. It's nice how everything came full circle, huh? Stay tuned for a review!
PS I interviewed Daymond John, founder and CEO of F.U.B.U...

...for Check it out here and leave comments.
PSS Find me on myspace:)


  1. Anonymous1:08 PM

    WOW I wish I could be as lucky as you...Thanks for the excellent recap of fashion week!!

  2. Anonymous1:21 PM

    great best ofs!! Ummm, can Anna Wintour and ALT even SEE out of those dark shades at the Carolina Herrera show? I bet they were sleeping behind them! hahaha I *love* your blog! (C:

  3. Hi,

    I just discovered your blog, and I love the entries on pioneering black fashion designers. Out of curiosity, I searched Zelda Barbour Wynn Valdes, Welsey Tann, and Ruby Bailey on Wikipedia--none were there--not even Tracy Reese is there (but, for comparison, the relatively obscure late designer Stephen Sprouse is there)! So it got me to thinking about an e-mail that a friend recently sent me, so I'm extending this challenge to you (and your readers):

    a challenge worth meeting

    I happened to be watching CBS’ Sunday Morning
    last Sunday – the show was doing a segment on
    Wikipedia, the online free encyclopaedia where
    the entries are all written and edited by
    volunteers. The segment went on to show a
    Wikipedia convention.

    All the attendees – that I saw— were white, which
    left me to wonder.

    Later that day I decided to do a random search on
    Wikipedia. I started with the obscure: Black
    dancer Lottie “The Body” Graves, featured in the
    film Standing in the Shadows of Motown. There was
    an oblique reference to her but no listing. Then
    I tried Raven Wilkinson--one of the first Black
    ballerinas. I got nothing. I tried choreographer
    John Alleyne--nothing. I tried Jeni LeGon, the
    first Black tap dancer to get a film contract.

    This is NOT a good sign.

    Now of course my area is dance so I have a bias.
    But I wonder about Black scientists, Olympians,
    innovators – are they being represented and if
    so, is the data accurate or complete?

    Thus I am emailing you – my friends and
    colleagues – asking you to join me in getting
    Wikipedia up to date and up to scratch.
    Personally, I am committed to editing the Ballet
    and Dance sections and inserting/ the following
    in early 2007:

    Lottie “the Body” Graves
    Raven Wilkinson
    Jeni LeGon
    Janet Collins
    Marion Cuyjet
    Kevin Pugh
    John Alleyne

    While many rightly question the validity of
    Wikipedia as a resource, the fact remains it *is*
    being used as one. Therefore the participation
    of the Black community (communities) – is

    It is my hope that you will join me in this
    project. Getting the word out is important so
    feel free to post my letter (or make reference to
    it) on your websites and blogs. Write an article
    for wikipedia or request that one be written.
    Check the subject headings and key word searches
    - we may have articles that are simply not linked

    Wikipedia may be found at

  4. Congrats on an exciting fashion week! Thanks so much for blogging your experiences!


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