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Monday, October 27, 2008

Real Style: New Jersey

Hey Guys!
So I'll be honest: I've been searching and searching for Real Style in Paris, and I just haven't found it! I'm not sure if I'm looking in the wrong places or what! You Parisian bombers help me out!
Until then, we've got plenty of Real Style stored up. Today we have Nike from New Jersey!
She says, "I'm a die hard reader and I just love the posts that you have of the beautiful girls who read Fashion Bomb and get featured for their flawless style. Well I think I should be one of them!!! Check me out:"
"Sisi Nike representin Jerzeeeeeeeee!!!!"
Oh, America, how I miss ye.
What do you think of Nike's style?
PS E-mail me your Real Style at


Anonymous said...

Look like a hillbilly going to town.

Anonymous said...

i don't think so.

laney said...

Better luck next time.

Anonymous said...

Hi Claire,
Glad to know that you found in love with Paris. That's cool.
Anyway, I saw your message, and here are some places where you probably will find real style from my lovely city lol : Montparnasse, Opéra, Champs-Elysées, le Marais, Etienne Marcel and Montorgeuil. You can also find real style when you go to clubs during the we
Have a nice week

Anonymous said...

Hi Clair,
Paris is the fashion capital of the world, but the street perception may be a little different than you're used to, so you have to look to see things a little differently like Japan, where they've perfected the art of mismatch and grunge to make a style out of it...and we'd think they're totally insane!!!
So keep looking, I'm sure you'll find some "real style" that you can relate eventually!!!

Fashion Guru said...

that looks goo on her . emphasis on HER LOL

Anonymous said...

Me no likey! It's cool to be mismatched with some hint of coordination. I just don't get that with this particular outfit. That may be the thing in Jersey, but that's not it down south :)

Anonymous said...

Ummm, hells no!

OLAbisi said...

HATA... SISI is so fly... and u guys can't compete... never hate, only appreciate!!!!

JERSEY IS SO FLY AND SISI IS REPPIN IT HARD... HATA GO HOME!!! and ii'm talkin to you!!!

Anonymous said...

YEAH NIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do that!

Anonymous said...

omg Claire!!! I'm so glad you featured me on your blog!!

Check OYATO out!!!!!!!

Abigail Dudley Portfolio said...

Hey!!! I kno her!!! LMAO, she stays with the FLY gear on... just let em hate Nike, its the greatest form of flattery...

Anonymous said...

Just because one doesn't like another's style doesn't mean it's hating, it just might not fit that person's particular definition of style. If that's you sisi, then do you but to the others who think also its fly, don't call me a hater simply because I don't agree with you. I'm just saying...

Odunayo said...

It's her personal style and I commend her for taking that bold step to be different. DO YOU HUN!

Anonymous said...

FYI, this DOES NOT represent the style of most urban folks from Jersey!

But kudos for her for not giving a darn and doin her own thing.

Anonymous said...

Having just moved from California to New Jersey, Im finding the fashion scene to be....non existent. Not to sound condescending but some of the things I see walking down the street are a shame. However, compared to what I usually see in day to day Jersey, this outfit isnt so bad. I think her confidence gives the over all look a boost.

Laydee said...

Ew no don't understand it so many gorgeous boutiques in New York and gems in our multiple malls that you have to try so hard to be 'DIFFERENT' I commend her on the effort but no mas mami.