“Hey, Rob, tell me, does my butt look huge in these jeans?”—Eric MCormack as Will on Will & Grace.
So yesterday I literally almost had a conniption fit because I scored an interview with Clinton Kelly, the co-host of one of my favorite shows, TLC’s ‘What not to Wear.’ I was interviewing him for an article for another mag…I’d actually tried in vain to get an interview with Clinton in ’04, but the show's PR rep wasn’t feeling me. Anyway I got lucky this time, and…long story short, I gave Mr. Kelly a ring on his celly.

That's him with Stacy London, his fabulous co-host. Anyway...HE WAS SO NICE!! I absolutely adore him. But of course I had to ask him about this new trend of ‘skinny’ aka ‘cigarette’ jeans:

Sure they look great on stick thin models…but how would they look on a girl with some thighs (or thigh-ow as Atlantans like to say)???
WELL…Clinton said, “Anything that’s tight on the lower part of the leg is going to emphasize the upper part of the leg. [If you have generous thighs] your best course of action is to look for pants with a nice wide straight leg. That’s the most flattering shape.” The words of a gen-ius. Clinton also said that those with an ‘ample’ bottom half should wear darker colors on the bottom (dark colors are slimming). Write that down somewhere!
So…I tried these jeans on at a store around the corner from my house (which I’m going to review in a few). These ‘Cigarette Leg Dark Stretch’ jeans by Joe's look great even though they’re more tapered than straight-legged jeans.

They’re $158 which isn’t SO BAD for designer jeans these days (does anyone else remember when $120 was the upper price limit for jeans??? Now you’re lucky if you’re not dropping $200+ for some dern jeans!!!!). Anyway yeah, these are cu-ute! I usually run a 30, but I took a 29 in these. And we curvy girls know that the stretch is very necessary. These right herrre are 78% cotton, 2% spandex, 20% lyocell (whatever that is…). Bottom line, they work!
I'm actually barely bootylicious (we’ll save that sob story for later)...but for those whose cups runneth over, you should go for a straight up wide or straight-legged jean as Clinton advised. I think these ‘Socialite’ and ‘Honey Stretch’ jeans by Joe’s are cute, have a nice dark wash, and cost about the same as the other pair ($159).

I found all jeans online at this great website www.shopbop.com (though I definitely recommend you try jeans on in a store before ordering them online…you never know how jeans’ll fit once you get ‘em home). ShopBop basically has all the bougie brands that we know and love. I’m not even gonna lie and say that they’re cheap or have great sales because…they don’t. BUT they have free ground shipping and don’t charge tax (I don’t think)…so if you can’t find your size at a store near you, you can order them for basically the same price from here.
Hope that was helpful! And if anything, wasn’t it enough to SWOON over Clinton Kelly?!?!? He’s the best!
Looove this. Now I can stop harassing you with pleas for what kinds of jeans I should buy. Wait - did you write this especially for me?? You shouldn't have...
I remember watching about finding the right pair of jeans on Oprah. The jean speacialist lady on Oprah gave a good demonstration and lecture. Basically saying
Curvy : no skinnys.no pockets on thighs and butt.more so straight wide leg - to minimize the attention to that area.
Slim : skinnys (create hip illusion from the slender legs). pockets and other gadgets on jeans make assets look bigger on butt and hips.
Short : stay away from wide flare, they make ur thighs look fat and stubby - you dont get the lean look that makes you look taller.
Tall : can wear either flare or boot cuts.
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